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                                     Brooke's pov:

   Today is Saturday. Today is the day Lucas, Haley, Nathan, and I are all hanging out again, just like old times. I also suggested that me and Lucas should meet up again later tonight to work on our project, but to be honest I also just really want to hang out with him again. Last night was one of the most fun nights I've had in weeks. I would be lying if I said I didn't miss Lucas more than anything.
         As I'm getting ready, I hear a knock at the door. I wasn't expecting anyone to be here this early, but I go to answer the door anyway. When I open the door, there she is. Peyton Sawyer. "What do you want Peyton?" I ask her. "Well hello to you too!" She replies in a bitchy tone. I roll my eyes at her and repeat, "What do you want Peyton?" She laughs and begins to talk, "I just wanted to come by and say I heard that you and Lucas are hanging out again. I'm happy for you! But I just wanted to remind you, if he really liked you, he would have never went for me. If he really "loved" you, he would have never even caught feelings for me, because his love for you would have been too strong for me to get in the way of. So I guess what I'm saying is that you really meant nothing to him, and you probably still don't! Goodbye B. Davis, see you later!" Gosh she is such a bitch. I didn't know what to say. Is that true? Yeah, I know I shouldn't believe a word that comes out of her mouth, but she had a point. Lucas would have never caught feelings for someone else if his love for me was strong enough. Am I making a mistake letting him back into my life?

1:00 pm

Honestly, what Peyton said to me really ruined my mood. I tried to let it go, but somehow that girl has a way of getting to me, as much as I don't like to show it. She is such a manipulative bitch. My thoughts soon get interrupted as I hear a knock on my door. I run downstairs, trying my best to cover up how I am truly feeling right now. "Hey Luke." I say as I open up the door. "Hey Brooke. You look great." He responds, making me blush. I give him a small smile and answer, "You don't look too bad yourself Scott." He laughs then asks me if I'm ready to go. We are meeting Nathan and Haley at Karen's Cafe. "Yup, let's go." I say, grabbing my purse.
On our way there, I can't stop thinking about Peyton's visit. "What if she was right?" I keep asking myself. What if Lucas realizes one day that he doesn't want to be with me? I know I told him I just want to be friends, but deep down, I know I want more than that. I want to be with him. I just hope she is wrong.

Lucas' pov:

      As I'm in the car with Brooke, I can't help but notice how quiet she's being. She's just staring out the window, looking lost in her thoughts. "What's on your mind Davis?" I ask her. She turns to look at me and gives me a small forced smile, then says, "Nothing Scott. I just didn't get much sleep last night." I've known her for almost 4 years now, and she still doesn't realize that I can tell when she's lying. I decide to let it go because I don't want to bother her too much.
      When we get to the cafe, Brooke doesn't even realize. She just keeps staring quietly out the window. "Brooke, we're here." I say, making her slightly jump. "Oh sorry." She replies as she starts opening up the car door. "You sure you're okay?" I ask her. If you know Brooke Davis, you know she's never quiet in a car ride. Wether the drive is 5 minutes or 2 hours, she screams the words of whatever song is on the whole time she's in the car. "Yeah, I'm sure Luke." she answers giving me a forced smile again. When we walk into the cafe, we are immediately greeted by Haley. "Hey guys! I've missed you two!" She shouts, hugging the both of us. "Hales, you saw me yesterday." I say laughing and hugging her back. "Well then, let me rephrase that. I've missed you Brooke!" She shouts again, hugging just Brooke this time. Brooke slightly laughs and replies, "I've missed you too." Haley immediately realizes something is up and questions Brooke, "What's wrong Brooke?" Brooke suddenly snaps out of nowhere, "Why does everyone keep asking me that? I'm fine! I'm just tired!" Haley looks at me with wide eyes, looking concerned for Brooke. I look back at her with "I don't know" eyes, then I change the topic, "What's up Nate?" I say, patting my brother's back. "Hey Luke." He says back and gives me a quick hug. Brooke sits down in a seat, and I sit next to her. She quietly moves her seat a tiny bit away from me. I don't get it? Did I do something wrong?
       We finally finishing eating and talking about 1 hour later. The weird thing is, Nathan, Haley, and I did most of the talking. Brooke barely spoke. "Okay Hales, we gotta get ready to go." Nathan says. Haley sarcastically rolls her eyes and answers, "Ughh fine." She gets up and hugs me and Brooke and says goodbye. "I'm gonna clean some of these dishes, so my mom doesn't have to clean them all, then we can go." I say to Brooke. "Okay, I'll help." She replies, grabbing her plate and following me to the back. "So you've been quiet." I mention while washing some dishes. She rolls her eyes and replies, "Once again, just tired Luke." "I don't believe you." I say back, putting down the dishes and walking up to her. She avoids eye contact with me as I stand next to her. "Brooke, please talk to me." I beg, just wanting to know what's on her mind. "Lucas I really don't have time for this. I'm going home." She shouts, putting down the plate she was washing and grabbing her bag. "Are you forgetting I drove you here?" I ask sarcastically. She rolls her eyes again and replies, "Nope didn't forget. I'm walking home." Then she runs out of the cafe and slams the door. I'm pretty sure everyone in the cafe was startled. I chase after her. Once I am outside I lightly grab her arm and face her towards me. "Brooke. Come on. Whatever it is, I want to help." I say. Her eyes start to form tears as she finally starts to talk to me, "Luke, I'm sorry. Peyton came to see me this morning and she said something that really threw me off." "What did she say Brooke?" I ask. She hesitates before continuing, "She said that if you really loved me, you wouldn't have caught feelings for her in the first place. I was thinking about it all day, until I realized she was right. I loved you with all of my heart Luke, and I never could have liked anyone else, because my love for you was so unbreakable." After she finished speaking, she put her head down and continued to cry. I hate that I am the one making her feel this way. I didn't know what to say. I know I would definitely be heart broken if Brooke did to me what I did to her. I still don't know how to explain why I caught feelings for Peyton, because I still don't understand. All I know is that I still loved Brooke with everything I had. I still do.
I lifted her chin up with my finger so she would look at me again. "Brooke. You have to know I feel nothing for Peyton anymore. The biggest regret of my life was feeling something for her in the first place. I know you just want to be friends, but it's you. It's you Brooke. You're the one I want standing next to me when my dreams come true. You're the one I want standing next to me if they don't come true. You're the one for me. Not Peyton. I was a fool in June to ever think anything else. I'm sorry for making you feel like you didn't matter to me. You always always will. I.... I love you Brooke Davis. That will never change." My heart begins to beat super fast as I finish talking. I was not planning on giving that speech, it just happened, but I meant every word I said. Brooke just stares at me, as her tears begin getting heavier. I can't tell if she's shocked, pissed off, or happy about what I said. I just wait until she starts to talk, "Luke...I really need to go." She runs off before I can catch up. I just stand there. I don't know what I was expecting, but it wasn't that. Well... I guess we aren't working on our project tonight.

(Hi!!! I might start doing most of the chapters half Brooke's pov and half/mostly Lucas' pov. I hope you guys are enjoying this. And if your commenting, please know I appreciate it so much, it just still won't let me respond:(

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