Friday Night

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                                       Lucas' pov:

    Finally, it's Friday. I'm kinda nervous about tonight though. Brooke agreed to come over my house to work on our project together. I know she accepted my offer to be friends again, but you never know, she could have changed her mind. I'm probably just over thinking a lot right now, but Brooke is one of the most important people in my life. I hurt her so bad, I just don't know how she could ever become close with me again. Once again, my thoughts get interrupted as the bell rings.
      As I'm getting ready to walk home, I see Brooke start to walk up to me. "Hey Luke!" She says in a happy tone, smiling at me. "Hey Pretty-" I stop myself before I could say it. I'm so used to calling her "pretty girl", I guess it just blurted out. I knew she could tell what I was about to say, but she just brushed it off. I correct myself and start to talk again, "Hey Brooke. What's up?" "I was just wondering what time you wanted me to come over tonight. I wasn't sure if you told me a time yet." She says. "Oh well any time is good for me. Whenever you can is fine." I answer her, happy that she's still agreeing to come over. I know it's just for the project, but maybe we will be able to talk and hang out like we used to do. "Okay then I'll be over at 5:30!" She replies. She seems a little happier again. That makes me happy.

6:00 pm

Brooke still isn't here yet. I'm starting to think she might not show up. What if she changed her mind about this? What if she's begging our teacher to give her a new partner right now? I keep overthinking everything, until I hear a knock at the door. I open the door, and there she is. The most beautiful girl I know. "Hey Luke, are you gonna let me in?" She asks, joking with me. "Actually I was thinking about just leaving you out there." I respond, joking back with her. When she walks in, we immediately head to my room to get started on our project. "So, what's been going on with you?" I ask her. "Luke you still see me everyday in school, you don't have to act like it's been months." She says laughing. I laugh at her comment and respond, "I know, but we haven't actually talked about anything besides this project or the whole Peyton situation for like 2 weeks now." "Well I've been okay. A guy asked me out today." She says, looking down. My head feels like it's gonna explode. I know we're just friends but she's my Brooke. She has been for years. I want her to be happy, but I can't stand to see her with someone else. I don't say anything. I just start to take materials out for our project. "Lucas Scott, are you jealous?" She questions, teasing me. "How do you even know if I said yes to him?" She says. "Did you? Did you say yes?" I ask her. She laughs at my obvious jealousy and answers, "No. I told him that I'm not looking for a relationship right now. But I said I'll have sex with him." My eyes widen as I quickly question her, "What? Did you... have sex with him?" "No you dork, I was joking! I told him I wasn't interested." She says. We both start to laugh, but then there is silence. 
        She breaks the silence and starts to talk again, "This is nice. Me and you, actually being friends. When I agreed to be your friend again, I actually meant it. I want to hang out with you, and talk to you like this again." "It is nice. I've missed this." I respond.  "Soooo do you wanna watch a movie?" She asks me in a cute tone. "Brooke, we seriously have to start this project." I say, wanting us to get a good grade. "We have all night for this project Luke! Plus, we haven't hung out for so long. Pretty pleaseeee." She begs, like a child. I mean we would hang out longer if we did the project later. "Okay fine, but your not gonna do what you always do when we watch a movie right?" I question. She smiled, knowing exactly what I meant. First, she will take forever to actually pick a movie, then when we're about 30 minutes into the movie, she will fall asleep. "I can't make any promises." She says, grinning. This feels like normal again. Us sitting here, laughing and taking like we used to. It feels good.
         After about 30 minutes, Brooke finally picked a movie. "Annabelle!" She shouts in a cheery tone. "I wouldn't sound so happy about that. We both know you'll be scared to go to sleep tonight." I reply, teasing her. Whenever we used to watch a scary movie, she would call me as soon as she got home, asking me to come over. "I will not!" She says, acting offended. We start watching it, and about 10 minutes in, Brooke looks petrified. She has always hated scary movies. "You scared?" I ask her, feeling bad that we are watching this, even though she picked it. "No." She lies. Right as she says that, there is a jump scare in the movie and Brooke screams. "Okay maybe a little." She adds on. I laugh and say, "Come here you dork." She hesitates, so I give her a nod of reassurance signaling that it's "just as friends", as much as I don't want it to be. She scoots closer to me and I wrap my arm around her. "Thanks Luke." she says, giving me a small smile. "Anytime Brooke Davis." I reply, smiling back at her. She slightly hesitates again before putting her head on my shoulder. I can't help but smile. Brooke has always been so forgiving, but I never expected her to be as forgiving as she has been in this situation. I don't deserve her.
       About 40 minutes into the movie, I look over at Brooke, and there she is, asleep on my shoulder. I knew it. As much as it used to annoy me when she would fall asleep during almost every movie we watched, it feels good now. It feels normal. I've missed her. More than anything. I continue to watch the movie as I drift off to sleep, my head on Brooke's.

      I start to wake up as I hear the end credits of the movie play. I look around and realize it's dark out. I check the time, and it is 9:00pm. I look over at Brooke, and she is still asleep on my shoulder. I decide to wake her up. "Hey Brooke, you gotta wake up. We need to start to work on our project." I say in a quiet tone. She slowly starts to wake up as she looks around and asks, "Did I do it again?" I laugh and joke, "Yup, but this time it was 40 minutes into the movie, not 30!" "So not funny Luke." She answers, still half asleep. "Let's get started on this project Brooke. We need to get the poster board done." I say. She yawns and says, "I'm sorry Luke, I can't right now. I'm exhausted. This was the most I've slept in weeks." I sigh, knowing we will probably never get this project done. I need to get a good grade, because my grades haven't been too good recently. I know we probably won't hang out again until Monday, so we will only have 2 days to work on it. "It's fine, but let me drive you home. You can pick your car up from here tomorrow." I say. "Are you sure? It's late, I don't want to bother you." She replies. "I'm sure. I don't need you falling asleep at the wheel." I answer. She starts to laugh as I help her get up from the couch and walk her to my car.
      When I get to her house she opens the car door to get out and asks, "Okay, so what time tomorrow?" "What?" I question, not knowing what she meant by that. "Well I mean, we gotta work on the project some day, so if you can, I was thinking we should do it tomorrow." She says. I smile and answer, "Same time tomorrow is good." "Okay cool! And since tomorrow is Saturday, I was thinking me, you, Nathan, and Haley could hang out around 1:00 p.m, if you want to. It's been a while since the 4 of us have hung out." She requests. "I want to." I reply. Now i'm grinning from ear to ear. She actually wants to hang out twice tomorrow! "Okay, well see you then! Bye Luke! Tonight was fun when I wasn't asleep." She joked. I laughed and responded, "Yeah, it was. See you tomorrow Brooke Davis." "See you tomorrow, Lucas Scott." She says, winking at me, as she starts walking to her door. Tonight was probably the funnest night I've had for a while, and it's all because of Brooke. She makes me feel the happiest I could ever be. For once in a few weeks, I actually have hope for us again.

(Here's a cute, long chapter. I hope you guys like it!)

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