Happy Birthday to Me

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Brooke's pov:

One week later:
Today is the day. It's my birthday!!!! Everything has been going great with me and Lucas too. I've been feeling amazing this past month and I am so thankful I've made it to 18!! I have school today which I'm dreading, but my parents are coming home today, so I'm super excited. I haven't seen them in so long. The truth is, my parents might not seem like the nicest people, but it means a lot that they at least remembered my birthday this year.
As I'm getting ready for school, I hear a knock at my door. I run to get it and when I open the door I see Lucas. He is holding a gift bag and flowers. "Happy birthday pretty girl." He says. I wrap my arms around him and give him the biggest hug and kiss. "Aw Luke thank you. I love you so much." I respond. He is just the sweetest. "I love you more babe." He replies, then gives me my gift. I open it up and there is a beautiful shirt, one of Lucas' hoodies (my favorite) sprayed with his cologne, a cute teddy bear, and a long letter he wrote for me. "Luke I love it. Thank you." I say again. I get up to give him another hug. He smiles at me and answers, "Of course beautiful. Anything for you." He opens the door for me, then we get into his car and start driving to school.
When we get to school everyone starts saying happy birthday to me. It feels great to be appreciated. Me and Lucas are walking down the hall holding hands as the loud speaker goes off. That's when we hear her, Peyton Sawyer. She's been doing morning announcements these past few weeks. I feel bad that everyone has to hear her voice right in the morning. "Good morning everyone! I hope you all have a wonderful day. I just want to say happy birthday to Brooke Davis! If you don't know her, know this: If you're a girl, she has probably bullied you, and if you're a guy she has probably slept with you!" She quickly gets cut off by the principal as we hear him steal the microphone from her. Everyone in the hallway stares at me. I guess I don't feel so appreciated now. I just got slut shamed in front of the whole school. And she called me a bully??? I have never bullied anybody in my whole entire life. I don't know what to say or do, I just feel frozen. How does this even happen?
      Luke squeezes my hand and walks me to an empty room. As soon as we get in there, he hugs me. "Nothing she said is true Brooke. Don't let her or anyone else ruin your day." He says while still hugging me. He's right. I get to see my parents later, I have amazing friends and one damn amazing boyfriend. She can't ruin today for me. No one can. "You're right Luke. Thank you. I love you." I answer, letting go from the hug and giving him a kiss. "I love you more." He replies, before grabbing my hand and walking me back to the hallway.

        It is now after school, and I head back to my house. It is currently 2:45pm and my parents board at 6:00pm. I'm so excited to see them. Lucas is about to come over, so we can hang out for a while before we go get them from the airport. A few minutes later, I get a call. It's my mom. "Hey mom! I can't wait to see you." I say as soon as I pick up the phone. "Change of plans, we're not coming. Our friends asked us to go out and we decided to go with them." She answers in a uncaring tone. "But mom, it's my birthday." I respond, with tears about to run down my face. "Well contrary to your beliefs, the world doesn't revolve around you. Goodbye hunny. I'll send out some money for your birthday." She says, then hangs up right after. Wow, today really is shit. First, I get slut shamed in front of the whole school, and even though I acted like I was fine, it hurt. Then my parents don't even want to see me on my birthday. I guess I knew it was coming, when would my parents ever put me before anything or anyone else?
      Tears automatically start to fall down my face. Am I that worthless? My own parents hate me. I hear Lucas walk into the door and start running up the steps to my room. I try my best to wipe my tears away, but it doesn't work. "Brooke what's wrong?" Lucas asks worriedly as he walks into my room. "It's my parents, they're not coming. They want to stay with their friends. I guess I mean that much to them." I cry, while holding onto a pillow that is next to me. Lucas quickly walks up to my bed and sits right next to me and hugs me. "Brooke, I'm so sorry. You don't deserve this at all. Your parents might of chose their friends over you, but always know you're my number one Brooke. Always have been, always will be. I love you birthday girl." He really always does find the right words to make me feel a little better, but I still cry into his shoulder, leaving tear marks on his shirt. "You're gonna be okay Brooke. I promise you." Lucas says as he rubs my back and tries to calm me down. I really don't want to be like this, but it's my birthday. It's supposed to be a great day, and it's not.  I just want my parents to love me. I want them to care about me. Sometimes I'm jealous of Luke. He has an amazing mother. She would do anything for him. He is lucky to have that. "Lucas I love you, but I want to be alone right now." I say. "You want to be alone on your birthday? That is unacceptable Brooke Davis. Let me at least take you somewhere." He suggests. "I really don't feel like going out. I'm sorry." I answer. "That's okay pretty girl, but at least let me stay here with you. We can order food and watch all the movies you want to watch." He replies. "Alright deal. Thank you so much Luke. I love you." I say while giving him a hug. "Of course. Anything for you. I love you more than you'll ever know." He responds.
      We go to my couch and Luke gets the phone and starts to order food. We then hear a knock on the door. "How could the food be here already?" I question. I go to get the door and see Nathan and Haley. "I couldn't let you spend your birthday alone Brooke. So we're here. All of your best friends." Luke says, not knowing if I will be upset about this or happy about this. "Aw Luke. This is gonna be just like last year!! I love you guys." I answer and make everyone get into a group hug. Last year, every Friday night, me, Luke, Haley, and Nathan would pick someone's house to go over and watch movies and order lots of food. It has been so long since we've done this.
        The whole night we watch movies, eat, laugh, and have fun. My parents might've not wanted to see me, but I have some amazing friends and a boyfriend that do. I couldn't be more grateful for them. This was one of the best birthdays I've had, all because of the amazing people that love me and care about me are here with me.

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