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Brooke's Pov:

This past hour has probably been one of the best times I've had since last year. I forced Lucas to go on a bunch of roller coasters, which he was petrified of. He got so green at one point, I thought he was gonna throw up on the ride! He can be such a baby sometimes. Right now we are on our last ride of the night, the ferris wheel. Everything is perfect. The weather is perfect, the view is perfect, and Lucas is pretty close to perfect right now too. He has been so sweet to me all night. I really think everything is going to work out this time. "What's on your mind, pretty girl?" Lucas says, interrupting my thoughts. "Nothing. This night has just been so perfect. I know this is only the first place, but I feel like you've done too much already." I answer, feeling badly about how much he has been doing for me tonight. He hasn't let me pay for one thing! "I could never do too much for you, Brooke Davis. You make me feel the happiest I felt since our break up. You deserve everything good in this world. " He answers, making me blush. "Who knew Lucas Scott could be so charming?" I say, joking with him. "Now you know" He replies, smiling at me. Gosh, he could be such a charmer when he wants to be. We both just smile at each other as I rest my head on his shoulder for the rest of the ride. I just know this night will be one of the bests of my life.
As I am walking out of the carnival with Lucas' arm around my shoulder, I spot the biggest bitch in Tree Hill, Peyton Sawyer. "Look who it is." I say to Lucas, rolling my eyes. As Peyton starts approaching us, I see Lucas start to become pale. I'm not sure why, but I just assume all of the roller coaster vomit is catching up to him. "Well, well, look at the happy couple!" Peyton says, smirking. Can we ever catch a break? "What do you want, Peyton?" Lucas asks her, with a nervous look on his face. Like he was hiding something. "A girl can never go to the carnival without being questioned, am I right?" She says in a bitchy tone. "I'm just hear to have fun, but now that I remember, I wanted to ask Lucas when we can hang out again! I mean, it's been so long since we've last hung out all alone, right Luke? I think the last time was at Tim's party in June!" She continues. "Just quit it Peyton, no one wants to hear you, we have to go." I say, cutting her off. " No! I didn't even get to the good part yet. You remember the part I'm talking about right Luke?" said Peyton. "Peyton stop." Lucas shouts. "Oh, I'm guessing you didn't tell her?" Peyton questions with an evil look. "Tell me what?" I question out loud. Then I turn to Lucas and ask him, "What is she talking about Lucas?" Lucas just looks at me with a guilty look as Peyton continues on, "I'm talking about the real reason Lucas broke up with you, and me and Lucas' kiss obviously!" "Lucas what the hell is she talking about?" I ask him, starting to get angry. "Brooke.." Lucas says looking at me. "I was gonna tell you tonight." He continues. "Well tell me right now." I scream. "Tell me what the hell she's talking about." Lucas sighs as he begins to explain, "Last year when me and Peyton worked on that project together and you were super busy with cheer all the time, me and Peyton really connected. She was always there for me to talk to, and we had a lot of things in common. As much as I regret it, I caught feelings for her. The night we broke up, I went to Tim's party and got really drunk. Later that night, me and Peyton were both alone in a room together and we kissed. I'm really sorry Brooke you don't know how much I regret-" I cut him off and said "So when you said you wanted to work on yourself, you really just wanted to be with Peyton? You lied to me about everything. You said you would always love me.. you're a liar." I continue with tears down my cheeks. "The night you broke up with me, I locked myself in my room and cried for 2 days straight, and you just go and kiss another girl? Today in the car you told me you loved me, and I believed you. I can't believe I fell for it... all of it." At this point, my face was covered with mascara from crying. "Brooke, you need to know I only liked Peyton in June. The rest of the summer was all about being a better person for you. I wish I could take it all back. I wish it never happened." Lucas says, trying to calm me down. "I wish you would have told me the truth." I reply, my voice breaking while talking. "I wish this night never happened. I wish we never happened." A tear rolls down Lucas' cheek as he says, "Brooke, please listen to me. Let's go somewhere and talk... please." "I think I'm just gonna go." I answer as I start to walk away. "Brooke you can't walk home. Please let me drive you. Let me make it up to you." Lucas says as he follows me. "Make it up to me?" I scream. I'm pretty sure everyone around us was looking at us now, but I didn't care. "You lied to me. You broke my heart last year and you didn't even care! You caught feelings for someone else while you were with me. You even kissed her! It doesn't matter how long it lasted, it matters that it happened. It matters that you looked me in the eyes and told me you wanted there to be an "us" in the future. What if you still liked Peyton this year? Would there be an "us" right now? Would this night have ever even happened? I thought I could trust you Luke. You're just like every other guy. A liar. If you see me in school or anywhere else, don't say a word to me. I'm done."
As I finished talking I put my hand out to a taxi that was driving by. I'm pretty sure Lucas was still trying to talk to me, but I just blocked out his voice completely. When the car stopped, I immediately got in and told the driver my address. As soon as we started moving, I just cried. I cried until all my mascara was off. I cried until my head started to hurt. I cried until I had no tears left. My heart just broke into millions of pieces. The boy who "loved" me, betrayed me. I don't think I'll ever be able to look at him the same way again. I don't know how I'm going to face him in school. Lucas scott. My Lucas Scott. Broke my heart. And this time it hurt way worse.

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