A Good Day... Or Not

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                                  Brooke's pov:

Today is the day we leave Nags Head and head back to Tree Hill. Right now Lucas and I are packing our stuff back into our suitcases. We are already dressed, so as soon as we are done packing we are gonna meet the group at the buffet in the lobby before we leave. "You ready pretty boy?" I ask Luke. "Hey, you stole my nickname." He says, smiling at me. I wrap my arms around him. "I've loved these past 2 nights with you. We should get away more often, like go on more vacations. I love spending one on one time with my boyfriend. And the best part is that we can have sex anytime we want without any distractions." I smirk and kiss his neck. "I've loved it too pretty girl. There is nothing better than being with you. I love you." He say and kisses me. "I love you more. Enough with the love talk though, let's head to the lobby." I reply. We grab our bags and head down to the lobby.
       When we get to the lobby, we realize we are the first ones there. "That's a first." I say, smiling at Lucas. He laughs as we go into the buffet area and save a table for all of us. We find a table with 8 chairs and claim it. That's when we see everyone walking up to us. Everyone including Peyton. "Hey guys." Haley smiles. I say hi to all of them and decide to ignore the fact Peyton is here. She is seeing Jake now, which means she might be around a bit more, so I'm gonna have to deal with it. "I love your outfit Brooke!" Peyton blurts out. I give a confused look. "Thanks." I answer. Lucas squeezes my thigh. "So are we getting in line for food or what?" Lucas asks. "Totally. I'm starving." I reply. We all get in line to get food and sit back down. Of course I steal things from Lucas' plate. "You know, you could have gotten bacon if you were just gonna steal it off my plate." He says while laughing. "Yea I know, but it just tastes better from your plate!" I answer and grab another piece. "So how is everything working out with you two?" Bevin asks Peyton and Jake. "It's been great." Jake says as he puts his hand on top of Peyton's leg. "Yup! And this time it's not just a project fling." Peyton laughs. Oh god I hate this bitch so much. I know she was just joking, but it was a bad joke. I give her a dirty look. "Oh god, I'm sorry Brooke. It was just a joke, but I get it if you didn't feel comfortable with me saying that. I'm sorry." What? Peyton Sawyer ACTUALLY apologizing for something? Who is she right now? "Uh it's fine." I respond.
      When we are done eating, we all head to the bus. I can't help but notice that Peyton is getting on the bus too. "Why the hell is she allowed on the bus if she isn't a cheerleader?" I whisper to Haley. "I have no idea. Maybe she begged Whitey or something." She answers. We get on the bus and I sit near the window as always and Luke sits next to me. "I'm proud of you. You went almost a whole hour with Peyton without slapping her or calling her a bitch." He laughs. "Don't worry, I was calling her a bitch in my head." I say. Luke laughs again before grabbing my hand and kissing it. "I love you, you know that right?" He questions. "Of course Luke, I love you too. Is everything okay?" I ask. "Yes everything is perfect because I have the most beautiful girl in the world by my side." He replies. I smile at him and lay my head on his shoulder. I eventually fall asleep as we head back home.
       "Hey pretty girl, wake up." Lucas whispers as he nudges me. I groan and he laughs. "Can you carry me?" I ask with my eyes still shut. "I would, but I have all of this luggage to carry. You can sleep at home in your bed. That sound good?" He says. "Fine." I groan again before getting up. We get our luggage from the bus and say our goodbyes before going to the car. "How does your ankle feel?" Luke asks me as he begins to drive. "Bad. It hurts every time I move it." I answer honestly. "Brooke, we are going to the doctors." Lucas demands. "No Lucas please, it's probably just a sprain. I don't want to miss any cheer for something little." I say. "It's not gonna be something little if you keep putting pressure on it." He responds. I roll my eyes and look out the window. "Just no doctors for now please. I  promise I'll tell you if it starts hurting worse." I beg. "Fine." He gives in.
Lucas drops me off at my house then heads back to his house. I hear my phone start to ring. I pick up the phone and it's Bevin. "Hey, what's up?" I ask. "You forgot your wallet on the bus. I'm still at school getting some stuff from my locker and Whitey won't let me leave with the wallet. Would you mind picking it up?" She questions. "Yea of course. I'm on my way." I say. The reason Whitey won't let her leave with the wallet is because she could be lying about taking it back to me and keep it for herself. I know Whitey believes her, but it's just a rule in our school. I get in my car and start driving to the school. I put on some music. I get stopped at a red light. When the light turns green I go straight. That's when I see a car about to crash into me. I try to speed out of the way, but everything turns black.

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