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Brooke's pov:

Okay, here's the truth. I'm a mess. Ever since the whole carnival incident, I haven't felt like myself. I feel like I've lost a piece of me. It didn't take me long to realize the piece of me that's missing... it's Lucas. I haven't been able to sleep at night, so I've been sleeping in almost all of my classes, so my grades suck. I can't sleep at night because I get lost in my thoughts, thinking about what Lucas and I could of been...again. I'm super lucky to have Haley though. She's been here for me throughout all of this. I don't know what I'd do without her. She's my rock.
Right now I'm driving to school. All I can think about is that one class I had yesterday. Yes, the one you're all thinking of. The one where I lashed out on Lucas. I really wasn't planning on doing that, believe it or not. It just happened. I just couldn't shelter my emotions anymore. I knew it was gonna happen eventually. I knew all my feelings would burst. I just wish it didn't happen in front of my whole class. Lucky for me, that's my first class today. Wish me luck!
As I walk in the classroom, my eyes immediately meet his...awkward. I quickly look away and head to my seat. I get lost in my thoughts until the teacher starts speaking. "Okay class, today is the last day we can work on these assignments in the classroom. The rest of this project will be done out of school with your assigned partner. You may find your partner and begin." I still don't get it. How did I get paired with Lucas? Out of all the people in this class, why him? I still need to apologize to him about yesterday. Yes, I was mad and I had every right to be, but I shouldn't have yelled at him the way I did. You may be wondering why I have been trying to stay so calm about this whole situation, and to be honest, I wasn't going to be. I wanted to go to Lucas' house and tell him how much I hated him, and that I never wanted to look at him ever again. I decided not to do that though, because I knew I would regret it, and I knew I could never actually mean those words. Yes, he screwed up, but I will always love him, no matter what. As Lucas starts walking up to me, I give him a small smile and he smiles back. "Hey Luke." I say. "Hey Brooke. No yelling today right?" He replies, joking with me. I laugh and respond, "Nope, no yelling today. I'm sorry about yesterday. I really didn't mean for that to happen. It's just I-" Lucas cuts me off and says, "Don't apologize. I don't blame you. I deserved it. I'm sorry I made you feel that way." "It's okay Luke." I answer, giving him a small smile. "Friends?" He asks as he looks at me, putting his hand out, nervously waiting for me to shake it. I look at him hesitantly, not knowing how to answer. "Friends." I finally respond, shaking his hand and smiling. Friends, just friends.

(Hi!! I'm sorry this chapter is pretty short and bad!! I swear the next one will be better. I hope you guys are enjoying it so far! I still can't reply to the comments for some reason :( Hopefully I will figure it out soon!!❤️)

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