Right by Your Side

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       Lucas' pov:

I wake up besides Brooke in the hospital bed. She is already awake. "Good morning sleepy head!" She says as she kisses me. "Good morning pretty girl. What have you been doing up?" I question. "Just thinking about stuff. Every moment I've ever had in my life just seems so much more important and special after my accident." She answers. "What are you thinking about right now?" I ask, wanting her to let me into her thoughts. "The first time we met." She smiles. "Oh really?" I smile back at her and kiss her forehead. "I just cherish it so much more now. That was the day my world changed. That was the day I met the love of my life." As I listen to her words, I think back to that moment too.

(First day of high school, freshman year)
  (Still Lucas' pov)

Today is the day. First day of high school. I have to admit, I'm nervous. Me and Haley decided we are gonna walk there together. Haley has been my best friend since we were babies. She is one of the most important people in my life. I walk out of my house and meet up with her. "Hey Scott. You nervous?" She asks. "Nope." I lie. "Yea okay. Just think about all the girls you will date in the next four years." She jokes. "You know I'm not looking for a girlfriend until college." I state. "I know, I know. But you deserve to be happy Luke. Maybe you will find someone." She says. "I am happy."
When we arrive at the school, we immediately go to our classes. I'm sitting in class for about 30 minutes, minding my own business. That is until the door opens and this girl walks in. She is definitely beautiful. "Wow." I think to myself. She sees me staring at her and smiles before sitting in her seat. The teacher glares at her with a dirty look, most likely mad because she is late on her first day. "Hi I'm Brooke Davis, and I'm kind of known for being late." She says. I laugh to myself. The teacher ignores her comment and continues to introduce himself. When class ends, I head to my locker. I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around to see Brooke from class. "Hey hottie. I couldn't help but notice that you were checking me out in class." She winks. I give a nervous laugh. "Well can you blame me? You're gorgeous." I flirt back. "Wow, a boy that calls you gorgeous the first time you meet them! I've been looking for one of you guys." She jokes. I'm about to say something else when the bell rings. "Well I have to go, but here's my number. Ask me out sometime. It will be fun, trust me." She says before walking away. I smile. Maybe high school won't be so bad after all.

                                (End of flashback)

      "Luke you okay?" Brooke asks, interrupting my thoughts. "Yea. I'm perfect. I was just thinking about it too." I say. "The first day we met?" She questions. "Yup. You totally fell for me the first time you looked at me." I joke. "Sorry Scott, you got it wrong. The way you looked at me when I walked into that classroom, I swore we were gonna have sex on our first date." She replies. "Brooke we were freshman!" I laugh. "I know, but you were totally into me!" She smiles. "I totally was. And look at us now." I say. "What? Me in a hospital bed feeling pain all over my body?" She jokes again. "Not that. I would do anything to take your pain away, but I mean look at where we're at as a couple. Through everything we've been through, we are still standing. And I couldn't be more in love." I say, giving her a kiss. "I love you too Lucas Scott. Always have, always will. Thank you for being here for me." She responds. "Of course Brooke Davis. There's no where I'd rather be." I smile. She smiles back and wraps her arms around me. We stay like that for about an hour.
We hear a knock at the door and see Haley, Nathan, Jake, Tim, Skills, and Bevin. "Hey cuties." Haley says, seeing us cuddled up together. "Hey guys. Thanks for coming again." Brooke replies. "Of course. We are all here for you. If you guys need anything, please let us know." Bevin answers. "So did you hear anything about the person who hit you?" Nathan asks. "Yeah, it was a drunk driver. The cops found him." Brooke responds. I wish I could find him and kick his ass for doing this to Brooke. "Changing the topic before Lucas' head explodes, when is the next basketball game?" Brooke asks, knowing how mad I get hearing about the drunk driver. "It's Saturday." Jake answers. Today is Monday, and Brooke gets out Wednesday. "Yay! I'm going." Brooke exclaims. "No Brooke. Your gonna rest. I will be home with you." I state in a serious tone. "Lucas, you are not missing that game for me. And you can't keep me home forever. It's not like I'm gonna be cheering, I'll just be on the bleachers." When she says that I see the slight sadness in her face. I know how much she loves cheer leading. Hopefully she will be back at it soon. I put my hand on her thigh and lightly squeeze it, reassuring her that everything is gonna be okay. "Well anyways, they are supposed to be putting a boot on my ankle today, so that should be fun!" Brooke jokes. "Is it broken?" Jake asks. "No, just sprained badly." Brooke answers. We all sit and talk for a while. I know Brooke is happy about all the support and love she has around her. And I know I'm happy that she is still here with us.
Once everyone leaves, Brooke's mom arrives. She brought me and Brooke food. She is being super nice now, which I know makes Brooke happy. The three of us talk about random things. "So, how did you win my girls heart back?" Victoria (Brooke's mom) asks. "He won my heart back with an amazing speech in the pouring rain. And that gorgeous smile of his." Brooke answers, smiling at me. I wrap my arm around her and kiss her cheek. "That's sweet. I'm sure you both got sick after that." Victoria says. "We had colds, but it was worth it." I reply. "So Brooke, I was thinking about opening up my company in Tree Hill." She looks at Brooke after saying that, wanting to know what she thinks about her idea. "Would you be moving back here for good?" Brooke asks. "Only if you want me to." Victoria responds. "Of course I do mom. This is so exciting!" Brooke smiles. I smile at her happiness. She finally has her mom here with her and she seems so grateful. She deserves all happiness in the world.

                                  Brooke's pov:

     It is now 8pm. My mom went back home and Nathan and Haley came and brought food so that we can all eat together. I'm so grateful for all my friends.  They have been here for me every step of the way. I'm especially thankful for Lucas. I wouldn't have gotten through this without him. He's my rock. We are all talking and laughing until the doctor comes in with a boot in her hand. "Hi everyone. I'm sorry to interrupt. I'm just gonna put this on Brooke's foot real quick. You need to wear this for 4 weeks. You can take it off when you shower and sleep, but that's it." She puts it on my foot and walks out. My ankle was already hurt before the accident, so I can see why it's even worse now. "Yay! I'm gonna have this boot on for Christmas." I roll my eyes. "I mean at least it's only 4 weeks. Maybe you can get back to cheering sooner than you think." Haley says, trying to lift up my mood. "Yea, maybe." I sigh.
        After a while Haley and Nathan leave. Thank God I get out of here in 2 days. I feel like it's been the same routine forever now, even though it's only been a day. People come visit, bring food, ask if I'm okay, talk for a little, then leave. I'm grateful people care so much, but I just wanna leave. I honestly just want to go to my room and cry. I've been trying to keep it together and say I'm okay, but this was one of the scariest moments of my life. I'm thankful I'm alive, but I'm just so overwhelmed. But I guess my tears can't wait till Wednesday, cause as soon as Lucas goes to the vending machine to get me more water, I start to cry. I try to wipe the tears away before he comes back, but he catches me. He puts the water bottle on the table and sits near me on the bed. "Brooke what's wrong? Are you in pain?" He asks worriedly. "No, I'm okay. I'm just a bit overwhelmed with all of this. I can't wrap my head around the fact that I almost died. I could have lost everything. I could have lost you." I look down. He grabs my face lightly so I am looking at him and rubs his thumb against my cheek. "I'm sorry about how emotional I was yesterday. I didn't get a chance to ask you how you felt. But just know that you are never gonna loose me Brooke Davis. We are suppose to grow old together, and watch our grandkids together, and grow gray hairs together. This is not gonna be easy for you to get through, but I'm gonna be here every step of the way. Whenever you feel scared, sad, or overwhelmed, you can tell me. I'm never leaving you. And I'm so glad you didn't leave me." I feel myself tear up even more at his words. "I love you so much Lucas Scott." I smile. "I love you more Brooke Davis." He says as he kisses me. He wraps his arm around me and we watch tv together. Lucas was right, this isn't gonna be easy for me, but I am so glad I have him right by my side.

(Hi! This chapter is kinda short and bad, but please lmk if you have any extra ideas/details you want me to add in! And btw the next chapter won't be in the hospital, I just thought I should make one chapter of it)
(Also if you want me to add in any more flashbacks of their relationship, let me know what memory you wanna see!)

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