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Next morning :-
Draupadi's Pov :-

I opened my eyes , actually to be honest I couldn't close it even for a second, a lot of things were coming in my mind, I had to think how'll I take care of the situation I was not even aware of most of the rules of dice game, I had to know the rules of game before entering the field. It was about before Dawn, the sunrise wasn't even near but I had to be prepared.
Only Arya Yudhisthir knew the rules of Dice game here the best .
I released myself from Arya Bheem's embrace and decided to go to Arya Yudhisthir's chamber.

But it was a bit inappropriate it was not out year , so going at this late hour but this was also important. I stepped outside my chamber and asked a daasi to give my Sandesh to him that I want to meet him.
She came back with approval, I entered his chamber. He was half asleep and fully confused.
He burn the diyas besides him and asked me to sit .
'Panchali, is everything alright?, You came here at this late hour .'

'Can't I Maharaj?, I'm your wife'

Now he was super confused I never used to address him as Maharaj and I never came to his chamber like this before after my year with Arya Bheem started and too at this late hour and today I was using my rights as wife.

'Ofcourse you can Kalyani , tell me what brings you here at this hour?'

I was hesitant because since tomorrow he'll be playing the game if I'll ask him the rules he'll think I don't trust him, but that was not the case, the game itself is so destructive it can cage anyone and as a wife it was my duty to help him and be his light of Dharma.

'Arya today you'll be playing dice with your cousin, I too want to learn the rules of dice.'
'Panchali, but why are you worrying , I'm there I'll take care of everything '.

I knew that but this time I'll be an active player.

'Arya, I'm your wife plus Indraprastha's Queen, I need to know the rules of game Maharaj will play tomorrow , we both are equally responsible and we both are the owners of this kingdom plus our family'.
He was shocked for a moment but he realised I was right he has always given me equal responsibilities and rights over state matters, he had no problem in sharing anything but was definitely looking surprised.

'Ok Kalyani, tell me what do you want to know about the game?'
'Arya, what are the things that can be put on stake?'.
'Whatever the person has in it's authority'.
'Please elaborate'.
'Just like Kingdom, elephants , horses, treasures, weapons and' he took a pause and continued 'himself and his family'.

He said all this with a heavy heart and left a sigh.
'So that means your brothers and wives are also your property which can be staked?' I asked with expecting a no answer.
He said nothing and started looking in the other direction , whenever he didn't wanted to hurt anyone by truth he used to remain silent.

'If we feel like dices are unlucky for us, can we ask to replace the dices?'

'If both parties agree , then yes we can Kalyani'.

I was about to leave but he suddenly hold my hands I knew he understood that I was hurt by his statement.

'I didn't mean to hurt you Kalyani but that's how the rules are' he said in his low voice as he was ashamed of his statement.

I hold his hands and asked him ,'Arya, if tomorrow they'll ask to stake your brothers and me, will you stake us?' I was trying hard to control my tears but a lone tear betrayed me .

He came infront of me and bent down while holding my hands, 'Panchali I've raised my brothers as a father, I'll burn my hands before staking them and you my love is my pride , you're my brothers' pride, I'll cut my hands before staking you, please don't cry.'

Draupadi - A Fire Born Princess From Kaliyug🔥🔥Where stories live. Discover now