Infamous Dice Game Proposal??💔

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Draupadi's Pov :-

He was literally crying I didn't knew how to stop him, I could understand how he must be feeling we both needed this breakdown. I kissed him on his cheeks to stop his tears.
'Arya, I love you too, please don't cry'.

'Panchali I'll wait for our year eagerly , I've a letter for you Panchali, but please read it alone I wrote it when you were leaving Hastinapur, my feelings have never changed Panchali .'

'I know Arya, our love is strong'

I leaned on his shoulder and we both were admiring the beauty of night. In moonlight, he was looking even more handsome, his strong arms had the potential to save me from any problem if we'll ever face any.

'Panchali, if you don't mind I want Prati to stay with me tonight, I haven't seen him , he is just like my son, I want to embrace him too.'

'You don't have to ask Arya he's your son too, I'll go and bring him to you.'

He held my hands and suddenly a daasi came
'Maharani ki Jay Ho, Rajkumar ki jay ho, it's a good news, Maharaj Yudhishthir is returning from his political visit, he'll be here by tomorrow morning , he has asked for your well-being'.

I was on cloud 9 after hearing this, finally my family reuinted, Prati was also missing his father so much. I took out a ring from my hands and gift it to Daasi. Arya Arjun was also so happy , I went towards my room to tell Arya Bheem and asked to Daasi to convey the message to MadriNandans.

'Arya' I almost ran towards my chamber I couldn't even breathe.
He came running towards me and gave me water.
'Arya you know Arya Yudhisthir is coming tomorrow morning'
He hugged me in joy we both went to Prati .
'Prati, your father is going to come tomorrow, see Panchali he's smiling , he's happy'.
'Yes Arya'.
'Arya, Arya Arjun has asked if he could play with Prati tonight?, He has missed him so much .'

'Ofcourse Panchali, he is his father too, go and give Prati to him'.

I carried Prati on my back and carefully escorted him towards Arya Arjun's chamber.

'Let me carry him, Panchali' Arya Arjun said.
It was such a funny sight to witness , he had no experience of holding a baby, such a delicate thing, I don't know if he'll be able to handle. I started laughing he couldn't even decide from where to hold him.
'Panchali you're laughing at me , how am I supposed to know how to hold a baby, one thing can happen you can teach me when you'll give birth to our baby' he said while winking at me.

My mouth actually hung open, we had our energy back we were again teasing and laughing with each other but still I couldn't control my laughter after seeing him struggling like this , Subhadra came out of the chamber.
'Pranipat Jiji'
'Stay blessed Subhadre, look at our husband, how is he trying to hold the baby' i said while looking at Arya.
He looked at Subhadra even she couldn't control her laughter.
He started to pout, marrying twice suddenly seemed like a bad idea to him because we teamed up against him.
'Give him to me Jiji, Arya needs a lot of practice, I'll take care of him'.she said while extending her hands.

I wholeheartedly handed her my prince, and the look in her eyes was something I couldn't define, she lift him just like he was her own son, it didn't even took 2 seconds for her to make him hers. I knew he'll be safe with her and I left from there with a smile.
I was so happy today ,my relationship with Pandavas started to become stronger day by day, I thanked Krishna in my heart, if he wouldn't have been here I couldn't have had get such a beautiful and happy family supporting me like this.

I headed towards my chamber singing my favourite song ,'Hume tumse pyaar kitna, ye hm nhi jante magar jee nhi sakte...........' suddenly I felt strong arms around my waist, after being married to these naughty creatures I was habitual to these random backhugs and I used to enjoy it too.
'Without whom Panchali?' Arya Bheem said while resting his chin on my shoulder teasing me his warm breathe .
'Without you all Arya, you all are my lifeline, my family is my lifeline'.

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