Dice game🎲(Part 3)

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The whole assembly was quiet now no one wanted any other round to play , they all were really tired .

'Mamashree, we don't want to play anymore we are playing since so long , it's almost evening, we want to spent more time with our family, after so long we all have gathered, let's call off the game'. Yudhisthir said.

Draupadi's Pov:-

After Arya Yudhishthir decided to call off the game , I was finally relieved after loosing two most important stakes he won't dare to play again, Duryodhan didn't wanted to play either. But Gandhar Raj had something else in his mind, he again demanded the changing of dices.

Everyone insisted on stopping the game as no one was interested anymore but he insisted. Again the dices were changed, now I was really stressed , what the hell he wants now.

Arya Yudhisthir agreed to play just one more game , I was relieved what's the worse can happen in just one more round. But still I didn't stopped praying Krishna.

'I'm a well-wisher of Hastinpur as you all know' Gandharraj said.
Everyone mentally laughed at this, well-wisher , who??? Shakuni...like wao
'There is one other place in Aryavart where there is no life, since Pandavas are expert in transforming hell into heaven, if we win this round, you'll have to leave Indraprastha and settle there for the rest of your lives and Indraprastha will be ruled by Duryodhan' .he said with determined eyes.
I was shocked I knew he wouldn't take this huge step without being fully confident of the result. Aryas were also hesitant it was not that they didn't wanted to give Indraprastha because they were greedy, they've treated Indraprastha's people as their own and he knew Duryodhan had no respect for commoners. How could they let a man like him rule their kingdom?

Karna looked at me worried , even I was worried I couldn't think what to do? How will I handle this situation.

'I'm also a well wisher Mamashree'. I finally spoke up after giving it a thought.

'I know you're the well-wisher of Hastinapur Samragyi, that's why......'

Before he could say anything I stoop up and went towards Arya.

'What if you lost, Mamashree?' I said.

All the Sabha members looked at me. They've never seen a woman talk so much infront of this many men, but I was not an ordinary woman I was an independent feminist woman of Kaliyug even in Dwaparyug I was the Empress of Indraprastha.

'Then you can have your kingdom back Maharani',he said.
'What's good in having our own kingdom back Mamashree, what's our benefit?'
He thought for a second and replied 'Whatever you wish Maharani'.

Now I was fully aware that if he is so confident there is something wrong ,I looked at Arya , his hands were trembling.
'Arya what do you think about this?' he was my husband and also the Emperor he had to take decisions .

'Panchali, you know I need nothing else, I'm happy with whatever I've'.

This saintly nature of him , OMG it's not that even I was greedy the thing I wanted was not wealth or kingdom but the welfare of everyone.

'You tell Bhabhishree , what do you want from us?' Duryodhan said.

His all plans were flop , he wanted to make us slaves but he couldn't, he wanted to make me slave but couldn't but why suddenly he was so confident.

'You only tell Panchali what you want' , Arya Yudhisthir said.
All brothers nodded in agreement.

'I'm the well-wisher of every kingdom of Aryvart, I'm also the well-wisher of Gandhar , how can a kingdom sustain without their king, so if I won today you'll never be able to step in Hastinapur without our permission, you'll have to look after you own kingdom ,Also if I win I'll give one order to Maharaj Dhritrashtra and Chakravarti Samrat Yudhisthir'.

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