Bheem ki Panchali ❤️

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Draupadi's Pov:-

I looked at Arya Yudhisthir's face for the last time, he was sleeping like a baby his arms were wrapped around me, I kissed his forehead and started to run my fingers over his hair just like he used to like. I took a deep breath and left the room with a heavy heart.
From today onwards my year with Arya Bheem will start. I was excited and sad at the same time. Today I realised what dividing my heart into 5 parts meant, the one part of my heart was sad for Arya Arjun , one part was aching from the separation from Arya Yudhisthir, one was excited to be Arya Bheem's wife and the other two were waiting to be the twins' wife.

All this was so complicated it was hard to detach myself from these feelings.
I prepared myself for the yagya, I didn't knew how it'll help me but I sat there as it was said to be important during our wedding rituals. I didn't like the idea when it stated that it'll help you purify. What does that mean, does it mean that I'm impure? I just sat down there with a lot of questions in my mind ,I saw Arya Bheem coming towards the Yagya kund.
He smiled at me and sit besides me for the Pooja. We had to close our eyes and chant some mantras for a while.

After a while, I feel refreshed I felt like I was reborn, the mantras did had some power to soothen my soul, it increased my will power. When Rishi Ved Vyas said it'll help me purify he was talking about the soul and not about the body. I apologized to him in my mind and thanked him at the same time. We both stood up and looked at each other , it was going to be our year of togetherness and love.

He looked at me and smiled.
'Panchali, I'll meet you at evening, I've to go for my mace practice.'
He said while putting his hands on my shoulder, this wasn't the first time he was doing it but still since it was our year, it was special.

I looked at him and he left with a smile. He indeed was a cute one❤️.

I left towards the Sabha, I still was the Empress of Indraprastha, there was a lot of work to do.

A daasi came in running, I got scared why the hell is she running like that , did someone attacked our kingdom , I got scared.

'Maharani, there have been rumors that Nag Kanya Uloopi had abducted Rajkumar Arjun in Naglog'.she said while struggling to breathe as she came running all over.
I almost got a heart attack, what if he'll get hurt, I was about to rush towards Panduputras but asked the maid to repeat the name.
'Uloopi' , she said.
Ohhh, so this man has already started the series of marriages. I was really hurt at this moment, I know it's true that I'm married to 5 men and I love them equally but it was never intentional, I loved him first. A lone tear came out of my eyes . I recollected myself it was important to tell the rest of the Pandavas about it no matter what'll happen in future, the present condition is that he has been abducted.

'Daasi, give my Sandesh to the Panduputras that I want to meet them in the hall'.

I went to the hall and was waiting for them to come.

'Kya huaa Kalyani?, Is something wrong?' I knew who it was , I turned my head towards him and said 'Arya, Arya Arjun had been keep hostage by Nagkanya Uloopi'

Pandavas were shocked, Arya Bheem was ready with his mace to fight.
The twins were worried for their brother's welfare. Little did they knew she'll be their Bhabhi in the end.

'Nhi Bheem,naago s humari koi Dushmani nhi, let's ask Naagraaj what's the matter and then we'll proceed',Dharmraj said.

They all summoned Nag devta. I was surprised to see that he actually came.

'Pranam Panduputro, why you called me?' he said while joining his hands .
He indeed was Naagraaj, his mukut was of snake shape and his body was half snake and half human, just like it was in serials of Colours tv in Kaliyug. So the directors were not completely stupid .

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