Our children❤️

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Draupadi's Pov :-

I was so happy I was going to be a mother again, Aryas used to take so much care of me. They made sure that Arya Bheem will spent most of his time with me so that I won't feel lonely. But they too didn't left me alone they used to check on me from time on time .
In the meantime Subhadra too was pregnant. How beautiful moment it was to share preganancy period with my cute little sister.
Mata Kunti used to come from time to time to take care of her daugther-in-laws🙈.

She also gave us the happy news of Bhabhishree Vrushali giving birth to a baby boy 'Vrishsena'. She told us soon when baby will grow big enough Bhrata Karna will pay visit. Things were getting better between them , Pandavas too used to go and often meet him in Ang or Hastinapur. After Gandhar Raj's departure Duryodhan being less in power had to abide by Pitamah's orders. It was not that Duryodhan was very fond of Pandavas still he had the half kingdom to rule so he decided not to engage much with us, he use to compete with Indraprasth, so in order to make Hastinapur better than Indraprasth he was taking steps, in this or that way he was thinking of welfare of Hastinapur, what else is there to worry about.

After months I gave birth to my first baby girl , everyone was so happy she was the first daughter in our dynasty after Dushaila, Pandavas used to treat her like a doll, anything she wished for was made present before her even before asking. Arya Bheem was also very happy, she was our cute little doll.
We named her 'Samyukthana' as we used to treat her like goddess.
After fews weeks Subhadra gave birth to our cute little Abhimanyu, something about him was related to Krishna,the first time I hold him he tightened his gripped around me, I loved him so much. He was the apple of my eye. He was as mischevious with an innocent face just like his Mamashree Krishna.

After months we heard of good news from second wife of Arya Yudhisthir , she gave birth to very cute young boy 'Yodhay' for a meanwhile he stayed with her in Shivi only . She sent me a message that she'll come to seek blessings after the baby will be grown enough.

Prati was so happy to see his companions. Arya Bheem used to miss Khatotkach a lot, I asked him to try to bring Hidimba home but she refused , so he would go there sometimes to meet her and their son.

After few weeks my year with Arya Arjun started.
I read that letter he gave me only then, I wanted to read the letter only when I was totally his, the letter had me tears in my eyes, I couldn't even imagine that even before our marriage he used to love me a lot, the letter was the evidence of his love,that day I especially dressed beautifully and went to an outing with him expressing each others love for us.

Arya Arjun already had a son with both Uloopi and Chidrangada before me , I was the last one to bear child with him.
Their names were ,Iravan and Babruvahna, after weeks I got pregnant and blessed with 2 beautiful twin daughters, I couldn't have been happier. Pandavas were almost dying out of happiness. I was blessed with 3 daughters , I was so happy I wanted them to be prosperous in their life as I named them Pragati and Pragya.

After my year with Arya Arjun it was Arya Nakul's year, Satanika was born with him, when I looked at him I couldn't believe how can a baby be this handsome, he took his father's traits. He always used to tease me that the baby was handsome just because of him , it was kind of true though.

When I used to sit in the hall, all my kids used to surround me, listening to my stories with the most beautiful smile sticked to their cute little rose pink lips.

The one who used to spend most of his time with me was my Abhimanyu. He used to love listening stories from me.

In the midst of all this ,taking care of the kingdom was becoming difficult day by day, the girl who gave me flowers that day, I gave her mother job in palace so now they can earn well and I encouraged her mother to let her study. I used to meet people from time to time with Arya Yudhisthir to listen their problems and also focusing on education system.
Now as we knew how bad impact caste discrimination can put on society after looking the case of Bhrata Karna, we took measures against caste discrimination.

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