Chapter 57

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Elena's P.O.V.

I stared down at the waffles in front of me. I was starving but I just couldn't bring myself to eat. I really just wanted to crawl into a hole and cry.

I want Harry and I want everything to be okay. I just want him to love me and take care of me like he used to.

Now he probably doesn't even wanna be around me. To be quite honest, I don't think I want to be around him either, which is probably a lie, but I can't seem to get what he said out of my head. It's like it's on repeat or something. I really wish I could just fight the urge to be around him but I just can't.

Maybe something is wrong with me.

Before I knew it I was crying all over again. I felt sore and I wanted Harry to just love me. I just wanted to be okay.

Louis' P.O.V.

I frowned seeing Elena crying again. I had no idea what to do and I'm sure Liam didn't either. Of course I had no idea what she was going through but I knew how broken she was.

I glanced over at Liam and he had his head in his hands. "Li.." I whispered. "Do something..."

He raised his eyes to meet mine and let out a heavy sigh. "Baby I have no idea what to do. I-I don't know how to help her..." His face was bright pink and he looked so flustered. "L-Lou I can't do this.."

I frowned. I've never seen Liam like this before. He's always so confident and sure of what to do. But now he just looks so defeated.

It scared me.

I could feel myself tearing up a bit from Liam's reaction. I didn't know how to help him or Elena.

"Baby," Liam said leaning over towards me. "Please don't get too worked up. Can you go see where Harry is? Maybe you can call him or something to see when he is coming home.."

I nodded. I really didn't want to but I didn't want to give Liam a hard time.

I jogged up the stair case and down the hall to my room so that I could get my phone. I see Harry's door slightly cracked open. Usually none of us are allowed in his room but I had to see if he was in there. I slowly made my way over to his door and knocked gently.

"Harry," I called.

I pushed the door open.

My eyes water seeing Harry laid out on the bed. He was casually flipping through channels like nothing was wrong.

That just made me so angry.

"Louis. Get. Out." he barked.

I shake my head. "H-Harry Elena is really upset... a-and she's not eating her waffles because... because she's sad."

Harry rolled his eyes which only made me more upset. Tears streamed down my cheeks and I tried my best to keep my cries at bay. "H-Harry.." I whimpered. "You're being mean for no reason! You are supposed to be nice to Elena because you love her! Y-You're going out of your way to keep her sad and that's not fair!"

My heart stopped seeing Harry raise his eyebrow. He slowly got out of bed and made his way over to me causing me to take a few steps back.

"Louis," he growled. "Have you lost your bloody mind?! Who the hell do you think you are talking to?!"

I swear I felt my heart in my throat.

Harry grabbed me by my collar and yanked me closer to him. I was trembling like a leaf. My whimpers turned into full on cries.

Harry's face remained emotionless.

"Louis." He growled. "I don't know when you became so fucking bold but I advise you watch yourself before I have to do something I probably won't regret! Don't you ever speak to me like that again! Do I make myself clear?!"

I couldn't speak. I wanted Liam and I just couldn't stop crying.

Harry is just so terrifying.

He released my collar from his tight grasp with a hard push, causing me to lose my footing and fall onto the floor. Harry stared down at me with a very serious expression. He squatted down to my level and stared straight into my eyes. "Louis.." he said. "Whatever is going on between me and my girlfriend is none of your concern."

"She's not even your girlfriend... you never formally asked her to be.." I mumbled.

What has gotten into me? I've never back talked Harry before.

"Louis" he warned. "I advise that you shut your fucking mouth." Without another word he slammed the door in my face leaving me crying on the ground. What is going on with him? He's being so mean and I did nothing wrong. I was just trying to explain to him how upset Elena was.

I picked myself up off the ground and wiped my eyes. I've always been afraid of Harry because of how harsh he can be. But this time was different. I was extremely terrified.

I jogged down the stairs and into the kitchen. Elena was eating and watching cartons on Liam's ipad. Liam stood by the sink drying some of the dishes that was washed. I couldn't help but run over and hug him. He jumped at the sudden contact but relaxed when he saw it was me.

"Lou.." he said sadly. "What's the matter? Why are you crying?"

I shrugged my shoulders. I didn't really want to tell him about what happened because he would make things bigger than it needed to be.

"Baby.." he said pulling my body away from his so that he could look into my eyes. "Tell me what's wrong... did you talk to Harry?"

I nodded. "H-He's upstairs... He.." I hesitated causing Liam to nod his head encouragingly. I sighed, "he's so mean to me.." I felt a few tears run down my cheeks.

I stumbled a bit feeling Liam pull away from me so quick. "I'm going upstairs. I'll handle it. See if you can get Zayn on the phone to see where he is."

Before I could respond, Liam was already marching up the stairs.

A/N: Heyyyyy

Is it just me or is Harry just being a know what..

Why do you think he is acting this way?

Any predictions on what's gonna happen next?

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