" Thalia!" My mom exclaimed on the other side of her phone. I smiled, " hi." " I saw the dresses you got yesterday," my mom informed. " They're absolutely gorgeous!" I chuckled and walked towards the wall. " How is everyone?" I asked. " Well, everyone's doing well," my mom said. " I just wanted to tell you that your father and I left for Milan yesterday night." My heart sunk deep into my chest, the smile on my face faded. " Your dad needed to get back to work, as well as your brothers," my mom said. A thick lump formed in my throat, " okay." " How is everything?" my mom asked. " Fine," I said. " Antonio and I are at his work dinner." I could feel my mom smiling through the phone, " have you met anyone new yet?" I shook my head and sighed, " not yet." There was a moment of awkward silence before I spoke up. " Well I gotta go." My mom sighed, " okay, I miss you honey, have fun!" I ended the call and set my back against the wall.

I was alone, In Venice, with Antonio's parents and judgmental family. I was alone with Antonio and his alluring self.

- - -
I walked down a hall, I felt small and alone. My mom was the only person who kept me feeling safe, and now she was gone. I turned a corner and walked up to a set of guards in black shorts, guarding a huge door. " Name?" One guard asked. " Thalia," I said. " Thalia Galonos." The guard nodded before stepping aside as the other guard opened the door. Goosebumps erupted onto every part of my body. I inhaled deeply as the smell of delicious food and bright, extraordinary lights blinded me. " Ms. Thalia Galonos!" The guard behind me announced. Everyone, and I mean everyone turned and looked at me. The lump in my throat thickened and moved up. I could feel my hands begin to shake, but I maintained myself. Suddenly, I met a pair of slim green eyes. It was as if everyone in the room had disappeared expect for Antonio and I. Antonio's jaw slightly dropped, his eyes brightened. A small smile crept across his face. Taken back was an understatement, Antonio was absolutely blown away by my attire and appearance just by the look in his eyes. I held back a smile as I made my way up to him, eyes followed me. I could see girls around me looking me up and down, whispering to others around them. I approached Antonio and stood in front of him. " You look absolutely beautiful," Antonio whispered to me. I smiled, " thank you." Antonio took his time and looked me up and down, I just bit my lip and smiled. " And to think this is all mine," Antonio said wrapping an arm around my waist and pulling my into a hug. I chuckled softly, my smile immediately vanished when I saw Sophia in the crowd. Her eyes were dark, she looked beyond exhausted and worn out.

I pulled away from Antonio, he looked at me and frowned. " You okay?" I looked at him and nodded, Antonio stared at me, not believing me. Right as Antonio turned his head to see what I was staring at, Sophia looked down so her face wasn't seen. Antonio looked back at me, I looked at him. " I'm fine," I said. " You sure?" Antonio asked. " Yeah," I said. Antonio stared at me, I knew he didn't believe me. " Can I have everyone's attention?" A man spoke out over on the stage. Everyone turned, around and averted their attention to the man on the stage. Sophia lifted her head and met my attention, we stared at each other for a few seconds before Antonio looked back at me. " What's going on?" He asked. I turned around, " nothing." Antonio scoffed, " I know when you're lying to me." I kept my attention on my man on the stage. " Have you eaten yet?" Antonio asked. I shook my head, " I'm fine." Antonio stared at me before turning and looking at the man on the stage.

I eyed the somewhat visible finger nail marks on my arm before looking back up. Antonio did the same, not knowing what exactly I was looking at.
                                - - -
" Now, It's time to eat!" The man on the stage announced. Everyone sat down at their tables, Antonio helped me sit down in my chair before sitting down beside me. Women in fancy dresses, men in black and dark blue suits filled the table around us. I placed my hands on my lap, Antonio scooted closer to me. " What was that call earlier about?" Antonio asked. " My parents left to go back to Milan," I answered. Antonio frowned, " I thought they were staying with us for a while." I sighed, " so did I."

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