Chapter 1

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It's been three years since Blaze moved away from Blue Halls. I thought he was gone for good and I was finally accepting that I'd never see him again, until that stupid evening when I decided to stay out for an hour longer with my friend.

1 week ago

"Cmon Rory just stay out for a little longer. I feel like I haven't seen you in ages, all you do now is study." My best friend of four years begs.

"But I really do need to study for my Bio test tomorrow."

"You've studied for it all week, please just this once. I'll make it worth it." She pleads with her hands together.

"Fine. You've got me for an extra hour Charlotte McKay and that's all, I mean it."

"Yay. An hour is better than nothing."

She throws her arms in the air and drags me onto the dance floor. I know she's right when she says all I do is study now, but it's a nice distraction. I'm preparing myself for uni and I know my future self will thank me for working so hard now.

"I love this song." She screams past the music.

"I don't. I'll go get us some drinks?"

"Yes okay, I'll be here, look for the one boogieing away." She laughs.

Charlotte and I have been best friends for four years now. She's been with me throughout my heartbreak and has really helped me get over it. If it wasn't for her I don't even want to imagine what a mess I'd be.

"Two vodka and lemonades please." I ask as I lean over so the barman can hear me.

"Coming right up gorgeous." He winks.

Joe, the barman, has been flirting with me for years. Even though he's a good 12 years older than me. He even did it while I was underage but he clearly doesn't care.

"Here you go beautiful, that's £7.30 please."

"It's on me."

That's the moment my life did a full one eighty and I was right back to where I was. I was the anxious girl who got her heart-broke by a boy she was never with.

"Rory." He nods while he hands Joe his card.

I don't speak, I don't move, I barley even blink. I just stare at the boy I once loved. I must be dreaming , he can't be in front of me. He moved away?

"W what are you doing here?" I stutter, trying so hard to fight it.

"My family and I moved home a few days ago."

The walls start to close in on me and I can hear my heartbeat through the speakers of the club. It's pounding and I think I'm going to faint. Without another second passing by I grab the drinks and hurry back to Charlotte who's face drops as she notices my presence.

"Aurora what's wrong?"

"He's back."

"Who's back?" She asks confused but it's not long before she knows because I can see her face drop when his presence appears behind me. "Oh my god."

"Hey Charlotte."

"Erm hi. What are you doing here?"

"My family and I moved home a few days ago."

"No I mean here, in our presence."

"I just wanted to speak to Rory quick."

"What do you want Blaze?" I finally speak after what feels like the worst few minutes of my life.

"I just want to let you know I haven't forgotten about what happened before I left and I will get my revenge." He whispers and walks away as if I'm nothing. Leaving me sinking into the ground.

"What did he say?" Charlotte asks while twirling my brown hair in her fingers.

"He wants revenge."

"Because of what you did before he went?"


"Do you regret it?"

"No of course not! And if he wants to play games them I'm gunna play them harder."

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