"Had your mother been alive, she would have put her foot down for the notorious taxes. She wouldn't have let your father waver from his duty." The aged warrior sniffled remembering the queen he had once served, Brinda the princess of Haridra and the late queen of Durja.

Dhruva's shoulder sunk at the mention of his mother. He had always wished she had been there to guide him but fate had it has own agenda. Fate took away his mother when he was five, leaving him all alone in a palace full of conspiracies and emotionless people. When Kumudhavalli, his stepmother came in, the affection he had for her initially slowly changed after she had her own children. As he grew older, he found solace in his uncle, Megavannan and in the many houses of the soldiers he befriended.

Since then, he wasn't just the prince of the Durja and brothers for his step-siblings but a family member in the houses of the people who considered him as their own and treat him like a family instead of a prince. For the kindness they had shown to him it was his responsibility to help them as much as possible to lighten the burden that has been dumped yet again on them.

Sikva the capital city of Kavish

Agathiyan busied himself in the supervision of the upcoming Vinayagar Chaturthi festival. An important festive season where everyone in Lambodara comes together in one place to offer prayers and celebrate the birth of Lord Ganesha, the elephant-headed God annually.

A ten days celebration had however been reduced to four days owing to a chaotic brutal fight exploded between Kavish and Durja sixteen years ago at Mount Gaja. It was only after the queen of Haridra stepped forward that the outrage was alleviated.

After several heated discussions, the Haridra Queen, Naavarasi declared the first four days of Vinayagar Chaturthi for the people of Kavish and the following four days for people of Durja to perform their prayers and offerings. Both kingdoms have been strictly prohibited to be around the celebration ground apart from the days allocated for them.

Nevertheless, the remaining seven kingdoms in Lambodara bore no restriction of whatsoever to participate in the ten-day celebration. They were free to be a part of the celebration of devotion, colours, music and delicious food of all kind.

It was a ritual where people of Kavish come together to make one massive statue of ten feet tall by contributing a handful or more clay taken from their house surroundings or clay bought from the market. Known as a kingdom that excels in aesthetic field and often provides manpower to kingdoms for the same, Kavish bears the stress to showcase their most exclusively sculpted Lord Ganesha every year.

The chief physician, stood before the massive Lord Ganesha statue. The majestic elephant-headed God sat with one leg crossed over the other, a hand on the knee of the folded leg, another hand had its palm raised as a blessing. The year's statue was laid on a huge wooded chariot flaunting its spectacular handwork. He felt shiver ran down his spine as devotion flooded in him. The visual before him was nothing but pleasant with the sun shining bright behind the towering statue, Lord Ganesha appeared surreal.

Hey Gananayaka, may this year's journey be smooth as always. Bestow your blessing to your children who will come to you for the first time in the year. May our path to reach you be not interrupted.

"Is everything ready, raja vaithiyar?" Bavaneswaran's breezy voice greeted him as he stared the breath-taking statue of Lord Ganesha in admiration, his usual stern face was seen to be in serene before the Lord's statue.

The royal physician bowed down in salutation, "Yes, Your Majesty. Lord Ganesha is ready for the journey once we have the confirmation from the Chief General who has gone with Yuvaraja Nakul and his men to clear the forest path to Mount Gaja," he answered.

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