Loki sat on the floor drinking from Thor's canteen listening to every word Nitid. He smiled and looked to Brokkr.

'I doubted you. I really did. But Y/N didn't, did she? She put her entire faith in you.' Loki smiled again.

'Oh, I dunno... why don't you ask her yourself?'

Thor and Nitid looked confused, but turned when they heard a rustling in the forest behind them and out stepped... Y/N... not with Gryla...

'Hi folks, you miss me?' Y/N walked through the trees to the amazement of everyone. Everyone except Brokkr and Loki.

Nitid ran to her and hugged her tightly 'I thought I had lost you!' She hugged Y/N, and she hugged back just as relieved. 'it's no biggie. We faked the whole thing. I hate to admit it, but if it wasn't for Brokkr I wouldn't have pulled it off.'

All eyes turned to him, and he gave an act of false modesty. Y/N walked over to Thor and gave him a hug too. 'You were really going to kick Gryla's ass if Loki hadn't stopped you, huh?' I laughed, and he winked back at her 'Anything for my brother.' 

Y/N turned to Loki, he was smiling 'I must say, I think my trickster ways have rubbed off on you.' He whispered to Y/N as he embraced her.
'Maybe later you can rub something else?' She whispered back and landed a light kiss on his neck which made him shiver slightly.

'We got the ship back then?' Y/N said clearing her throat and getting ready to pack.

'But wait, how did you...' Nitid began but Brokker interjected.

'The shadow. He was a lost one, and as it turned out, could be molded and shape-shift into another form. I molded it to Y/N's form. Gryla won't realise for a good few hours when the effects wear off. So let's not dilly dally, back to the ship eh?'


The group walked back to the ship, it stood rather dishevelled on the outskirts of the camp Afroð barnœska. It looked as though some of the parts had been stripped by gryla or other inhabitants of the area. Thor mumbled something about the time it would take to repair, and Brokkr offered to help. He was the Blacksmith who made Molijer after all, fixing a ship would be no hard task at all.

The forest was quiet and blessedly free of the sounds of crying. 'We should build a fire, get some warmth while the ship is mended.' Nitid sugested.

'Maybe if we don't,' Y/N Interjected, 'We don't want Gryla to know where we are when she finds out our deception.'

'It's fine, she won't be able to see us. Gryla hunts her children with magic. Your necklace contains a ward, we will be safe now.' Brokkr answered.

'Right, cause you knew she would come looking for me, right?' Y/N said with an air of suspiscion in her voice. 'In that case, I'll get fire wood. Loki, want to come with me?' Stood and followed Y/N as they walked through the glades, mist was in the air and a steam rose humidifying the air.

'I can't wait to get away from here. This planet just... I am just done.' Y/N Sighed, and Loki took her hand. ;Is everything alright? You haven't spoken to me, not really.'

Y/N Sighed. He was right he hadn't spoken to him all this time not really. She had been pondering her future on Asgard and if with everything that had happened, wether Loki would still want her.

'What did Thanos do?' Loki said angry all at once. Y/N topped in her tracks, he must have overheard her conversation with Brokkr. 'Did he... Hurt you? Because if he did I will-'

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