Once he is satisfied my skin is dry he leads me into the bedroom and sits me on the bed. Then he shuffles through my suitcase and grabs some clothes for me. He goes to help dress me, but I draw the line and dress myself. Ryder stands there watching me while I dress and only dresses himself when I got back to sitting on the bed.

He joins me on the side of the bed and takes my hand in his. "Want to tell me what that was all about?" 

As I'm about to answer my phone rings again from the floor and I shy away further onto the bed. I already know who is calling and I want nothing to do with them. Ryder watches me with concern and confusion. The phone stops ringing only to start back up again. Ryder sighs when I give him no answer. He stand from the bed and grabs the phone from the floor. His eyes darken when he sees who's been calling me.

The words don't answer that get caught in my throat. The last thing I want is another exchange between the two of them, but seems my wish isn't going to come true.

"What the fuck do you want," Ryder growls into the phone. He pauses to listen and I wish he had put the phone on speaker so I could hear him.

"I'm her boyfriend and I know all about you motherfucker." His grip tightens on the phone to the point I fear he will break it. 

A few seconds go by till Ryder begins to shout. "I don't giving a flying fuck who you are. No you listen. Stop. Calling. Aubree. She doesn't want to fucking talk to you."

Another pause and I strain my ears trying to hear what Adam is saying, but I can't make out his words. "Listen here motherfucker stop calling her. I don't know how else to tell you. Are you fucking threatening me?" Ryder starts to pace the room and I can feel bile raise in my throat. This was not going to end well.

Ryder lets out a hair raising laugh. "Bring it on motherfucker. Because I'm not the only one you'll have to go through to get to her." With those parting words he ends the call. He sets my phone on the nightstand too calmly then walks away. Only to punch a hole through the wall. I make a mental note to pay for damages.

He punches the wall again and I spring into action wrapping my arms around him from behind. "Please stop," I plead. Something in my voice must have caught him off guard because he lowers the punch he was about to send.

Without turning around he says, "either you call the phone company and have his number put on the no call list or I will."

Not wanting this to turn into a fight, especially with Adam being the one involved, I say. "Okay. I'll call them right now." I go to separate myself from him, but he stops me by placing one of his hand over mine.

"Thank you." He turns in my arms and offers me a lopsided smile which I return feeling lighter since I realized Adam was the caller. I stand on my toes to kiss his nose before releasing him from my hold. This time he lets me go. 

I call the phone company and have them place not only Adam's number on the no call list, but also any other number that has any form of his name attached to it. My anxiety lowers after the call. Hopefully now he really will be out of my life. 

I send out a text to the guys informing them of the day I planned and where they needed to be at what time. Lucan was the only one to text me back saying he would keep them in line and that he was already getting Tray and Mason together. One less to do on my list. Ryder kept an eye on my every move while I shuffled around our hotel getting myself ready for the day.

Worry was present in his eyes over the episode he experienced with me the morning, but he never said a word. For which I was grateful for. I would rather continue to block from my mind what happened and forgot. Unhealthy I know, but right now forgetting was my only option.  

My Client the Rockstar (Book 2 Steel Wolf Collection)Where stories live. Discover now