"Don't b-bother."

"I want to though. We're friends now, right? I want to make sure you're eating properly but you always skip lunch," Minho pouted.

"S-so do y-you though," Jisung said, noticing how Minho seemed to think for a moment before responding.

"I eat durring the class before lunch because my teacher doesn't care."

"Oh. Well, I like m-most food so j-just make w-whatever you u-usually e-eat if you are going to i-insist on bringing m-me something."

"Okay then...were you doing anything besides listening to music before I called?"

"Umm no..." Jisung said, looking down at his arm, noticing that some blood had dripped onto the floor "M-Minho I should g-go now. I h-have to do homework."

Jisung explained, needing to hang up so he could clean up the blood so that his parents wouldn't kill him.

"Oh okay then. See you tomorrow." Minho said, waiting for Jisung to hang up.

Jisung quickly hung up without saying another word and got some toilet paper and cleaned up the blood but frowned when there was still a stain on the white tile.

He quickly cleaned up his still open cuts before running downstairs to get some kind of cleaning spray.

Luckily the stain went away causing Jisung to let out a sigh of relief as he went back downstairs to put the cleaner away.

"What are you doing? Don't you know to stay in your room when we are here?" He heard his father ask.

"S-sorry. I had to c-clean something r-real quick."

"Making a mess of things as you always do." His father rolled his eyes, "why do we even still let you live here?"

Jisung didn't have a response so instead muttered another 'sorry' before going back upstairs.

He sighed before laying on his bed. He wasn't necessarily tired but he was mentally exhausted which was enough for him to fall asleep.


When he got to school the next day he heard the same voice as yesterday yell out his name. But this time it wasn't in a disgustingly sweet voice.

"Han Jisung!"

Jisung stopped walking in fear that she would grab his arm again and he really didn't want to have to deal with that right now.

"Didn't I warn you about what would happen if you told Felix? You got me detention for the rest of the year!" She said angrily.


"Are you really?" She asked Jisung in a bit of a softer voice this time. and Jisung just nodded, he really didn't want her to have detention for the rest of the year. He simply just wanted her to leave her alone.

"Then will you make it up to me Jisungie?"


"Take me on a date. A lot of girls think that you're cute Jisungie. Dating you would gain me popularity. It's the least you could do for me." She said with a pout.

"I'm s-sorry I really c-can't Mina. I d-don't like y-you like t-th-"

Jisung got cut off by another sudden voice.

"Is there an issue?" Minho said from behind Jisung, noticing how Jisung was staring at the ground and Mina was standing way too close to him for his liking.

"Not at all. We're just having a conversation." Mina smiled "who are you? And why are you interrupting it?"

"I'm Jisung's fr-"

Jisung interrupted before Minho could finish his sentence.

"He's m-my boyfriend!" Jisung said quickly and grabbed Minho's hand in his own.

Did he know what he was doing? Not at all. All he knew is that he wanted Mina to leave him alone and this would most likely make her stop. As long as he made it believable enough.

Besides, it couldn't be that hard to fake date someone for a couple of minutes. He'd watched movies and read romance books before and it was Minho's idea in the first place so Jisung didn't think he would be that surprised.

Minho was shocked, to say the least. He wasn't expecting those words to come out of Jisung's mouth. He was going to just say friend since Jisung had said no to the boyfriend idea but now here they were.

Mina stared at them both with a surprised expression.

"How? You can't even have a proper conversation. There's no way you two are actually dating."

"Listen-" Minho started but Jisung squeezed his hand tighter to get him to stop.

"What? Do you need us t-to kiss for you? We started d-dating a couple of weeks ago, right baby?" Jisung asked, looking at Minho.

He had no idea how he was staying this composed or how he had managed to barely stutter at all. If anything Minho was more of a mess than Jisung was right now.

"Yup," Minho responded, still shocked by Jisung's sudden change in personality but cleared his throat to continue. "I would prefer if you would leave my boyfriend alone now. Don't you think you were a bit too close to him before I interrupted?"

Mina glared at the two one last time before angrily walking away without saying another word.

Jisung quickly removed his hand from Minho's once she was out of sight and let out a breath that he didn't know he had been holding in.


"You- how did you? Was that really you? Are you sure you're Han Jisung?"

"Did I say s-something wrong? W-was it not convincing enough? I w-was kinda j-just going off of s-stuff in m-movies."

"No you did great..what were you gonna do if she actually said yes to wanting to see us kiss though?"

"Wouldn't that j-just make her m-more embarrassed? I didn't even c-consider the p-possibility that she would."

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

"Thanks, f-for going along w-with it."

"No problem...baby." Minho teased causing Jisung to blush. But then he quickly realized that Jisung's sweet scent was stronger than usual today. luckily not enough for Minho to have to avoid him again. He guessed it was dry blood or a scab for that reason.

"Did she hurt you before I got here?"

"No. Why do you keep a-asking stuff l-like that? S-she just talked to me."

"Are you sure?" Minho asked and Jisung nodded, confused.

Then it must've happened before he got to school.

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