Inconeroar: finally, boxing practice

Inconeroar picks him up by the collar with fungus screaming but then

Sid: uncle fungus! Could that really be you?!

Sid appears with the food but drops it when he sees the megalonyx and runs right up to them

Sid: MOM! DAD! Marshal!

Granny: Hey!

Sid: Granny?

Granny: This pumpkin's ripe for picking!

But it turns out to be a pumpkaboo

But it turns out to be a pumpkaboo

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Sid: oh my whole familia!

Eunice: I never thought I'd see my little baby again.We've been searching everywhere for you.

Sid: You have?I knew it, I knew it!Deep down, I knew I wasn't abandoned!

Marshall: "mThat's incorrect. We totally abandoned you.

Eunice: but... we've always missed you right?

Melton: oh! Yeah, yeah, yeah.And we just knew Sid would want to see his poor, dear Granny before her time is up.

Granny: I'll bury you all and dance on your graves.

Melton: so frail

Eunice: and she can't wait to spend time with you Sid

Melton: why don't ya show her the cabin? Yeah, she could use a nap."

Sid: Boy, there's so much to tell you. A lot has happened since the last time I saw you.

Granny: Not interested.

The two walk off with sids family watching

Sid: but we fought giant monsters and saved a whole town from alien Pokémon. Didn't make sense but it sure was exiting

At that moment the group starts cheering and get into their log as the ferry starts moving

At that moment the group starts cheering and get into their log as the ferry starts moving

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Melton: we got rid of the crazy bat! Let's go!

(Everyone aboarded the log sled.)

Manny: Whoa, whoa, whoa! You can't just leave. Sid will be crushed.

Eunice: Sorry, cookie. Things are breaking
apart back home.

Melton: So, we're headed to ferena. And Granny is just dead weight.

Eunice: See you.

They all get on and they slide out of sight

Melton: Mush, mush! And warn the community. She tends to wander!

Diego: well that explains a lot about Sid

Sid: mom! Dad! Do ya have granny's teeth we can't find them! Where'd ya go?

Diego: I'll handle this. Sid? Your family was wiped out by an asteroid. Sorry.

Sid: WHAT?!

Manny: Ahem! What Diego is trying to say is...they left. They only wanted to find you so you could take care of Granny.

Sid: Come on, what kind of sick family would ditch their Granny on someone? That's just crazy.That's just...That's family.

Diego: At least you still have Granny.Right, buddy?

Sid: Yeah, Granny. Huh?

He looks to one Sid elf the ferry and sees a familiar sight

Sid: uh... this suicune you mentioned the day we met, is it blue with a diamond shaped crest with ribbons on her?

Sorrel: yes. Why?

Sid: well... she's looking right at me

The gang all see suicune just as she leaves

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The gang all see suicune just as she leaves

Steven: that was suocune?

Variety: what would she be doing out here?

Cross: maybe she lives around here?

Steven: I can't believe it! I actually saw suicune!

Variety: she's even prettier the second time

Steven: maybe we'll see her a third time!

Sorrel: maybe. I think after the rainbow wing adventure she's growing a fond of us

They all gets off the ferry and wonder if they would see suicune again

Steven: what else is known about suicune?

Sorrel: well she is said to hold the power to purify water according to legends surrounding her

Steven: so she could help Scylla stop the ice ape form melting

Variety: you named he Titans from the ghidorah encounter?

Steven: I didn't name them, me Stanton gave me their names and everything about them after monarch made their findings public

Gladys: hey fangs! Have you seen precious?

Diego; if you mean the imaginary or perhaps deceased pet that you keep searching for? No. I haven't

They all make their way to the forest to see the Pokémon there

Steven universe adventures 2Where stories live. Discover now