A year later

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It is a peaceful day in the valley, very few cars come and go. And when their wasn't any, that's when the gallimimus gallop

It was their migration season and they were on their way to their migration grounds where a small little turtle was

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It was their migration season and they were on their way to their migration grounds where a small little turtle was. The galloping dinosaurs almost crush him when a speeding blue light came and scooped up the turtle in the nick of time. As the dust cleared and the gallimimus were gone, it reveals to be none other, than sonic

 As the dust cleared and the gallimimus were gone, it reveals to be none other, than sonic

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Sonic: woah buddy!  Almost got yourself killed out there. what are you sow kind of adrenaline jockey? Must be rough being so slow all the time. Tell ya what. Today is your lucky day!

Sonic he's ready and runs at his top speed with the turtle in his hand enjoying the ride

Sonic: woohoo! Have you ever felt so alive?! This is great your doing amazing!

The turtle slips off but sonic speeds back and gets him

Sonic: good recovery!

They charge into the forest as sonic slows down and puts the turtle on the ground

Sonic: let's keep this out little secret okay? You never saw me. (Whispers) I was never here

Sonic speeds off and into his new cave home. He's still been keeping himself hidden ever since long claw passed away. He's been learning the human customs of earth and took some of their customs. And also their stuff. He had all sorts of flash comic books, a ping pong table, and a washing machine he uses as a "gym" and he's been learning kung fu, but he might need some pointers. And if he was ever discovered he would go to the mushroom planet, which he hated. But he didn't have to worry. This was his home and he wanted to stay forever. He didn't have to worry about the humans finding him cause with his animals friends, he was like he doesn't exists since no one understands animals. The animals would tell him stories about a boy and his animals friends who travel the world helping those in need and met many friends and could actually understand the animal language. That was what he wanted to hear, people that could protect him. But he didn't feel like it right now, so he kicked back and learned all their was to know about the human world, including baseball. After one game, he decided to play, but he needed a team, and with his speed, he was a one hedgehog team

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