Gaining ones trust

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The group stay by Steven's side for the whole day as Steven rests on the grassy field like a blanket

The group stay by Steven's side for the whole day as Steven rests on the grassy field like a blanket

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Crash: is he gonna be okay?

Diego: are you kidding? Almost nothing can take this kid down. It's spine back I'm worried about

On cue Steven proceeds to get up from his rest and latias tightly hugs him

Latias: oh Steven! Your okay!

Steven: okay, too tight honey, too tight!

Latias let's go

Latias: sorry

Volcanion: you really had us worried for a second

Steven: even I didn't know I had that

Volcanion: you really pulled through back there

Steven: when it comes to protecting my friends, nothing else matters!

Volcanion gives a faint smile

Volcanion: you really did great out there today. All of you. Ya know what? For this, I hereby appoint you honorary nebel plateau Pokémon!

Steven: really?

Squishy: that is such an honor

Kimia: it's perfect

Bonnie: thank you!

Clement: well I'm happy to accept

Voice: Steven

They all look to magearna who walks up to Steven and takes his hand

Magearna:(radio voice)

Steven: magearna! You spoke!

Clement: my goodness! Her first words!

Magearna: you

She then looks to kimia and walks up to her and takes her hand

She then looks to kimia and walks up to her and takes her hand

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Magearna: magearna...promise to magearna...home...Pokémon

Kimia tears up as she proceeds to hug her tightly

Kimia: I'll miss you magearna

Magearna: and magearna...will miss...kimia...and...Raleigh

Kimia than tilts up

Kimia: Raleigh. I got so caught up in everything I forgot to check on him

She proceeds to enter her machine as she heads off to the palace to check on her brother

Kimia: see you all soon!

The group wave goodbye for now to kimia as Steven and company get ready to go

Steven: will we see you again?

Volcanion: don't worry, if there's anything going on. You can count on the two of us to be there

Magearna: magearna...keep in touch

Steven: good to hear. Goodbye!

The group make their way down the mountain as volcanion magearna and the other animals wave goodbye

Magearna: goodbye!

We cut to the tapu council as Godzilla rests as he looks to see tapu koko come up to him

Godzilla: anything new with Steven?

Tapu koko: a buzz from the bees say that Steven has given a home to newly restored genesect, brought life back to the all earth forest, and has just returned magearna to the home where she belongs

Godzilla: good. Looks like he will be ready after all

We cut to arceus's dimension as arceus looks into a crystal ball checking on Steven's progress

Arceus: good. Now I know, he is one step being fulfill his destiny

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