Before the exlipes

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The gang were transported earlier that day and then were met with some surprising newcomers

 That's when Steven saw the guy from that day who was named Marcus as a small pichu watched from afar

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That's when Steven saw the guy from that day who was named Marcus as a small pichu watched from afar

Steven: careful with that guy fellas, he's the guy who betrayed damos

Sid: who?

Steven: him!

Marcus: bronzong, hypnosis

At that moment they were all hypnotized and fell to a deep sleep. Except for shina

Marcus: you people are clearly not of this land

Shina; yes we have come here from the future

Marcus: what?

Shina: to stop you from battling with arceus

Marcus: such strange words you speak

Shina: we know everything that's going to happen in the future!

Marcus: let us hear what she needs to say. Have the children wait in the cell, take care of them
The animals woke up in a dense cave where they realized Stevens warning

Sid: so that was the guy who tricked damos huh?

Keldeo: looks like it

Diego: uh guys?

Manny looked around and back at the Pokémon as they woke up

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Manny looked around and back at the Pokémon as they woke up

Manny: wait a Minuit, maybe we can help each other!

The Pokémon wake up

Manny: hey fellas, come over here

The electric Pokémon start to charge up

Manny: no no it's okay, we're not gonna hurt ya

Among them a Giant troplus walked up to them

Manny: how about you and us against the beongzong trainer huh?

The Pokémon stare at them

Manny: this is back before spoke on can talk ain't it? Okay um... jewel of life, we want

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