Finale part XI

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We see Franklin looking into a printer and gets a paper out. A font reads "C.I.A division of dangerous species" as Franklin puts the paper on his desk and sits down and looks to the computer to see the latest dinosaur attacks where we see a clip of a women be chased by a trio of dimorphodons.

Franklin: And this year man. What's next?

Coworker: Historically darkness, blood, raid of fire, I think frogs. We're not going to be around for much longer anyway. These locusts in Nebraska are about to wrap it up.

We switch to the computer to see a heat signal of the locust cloud.

Coworker: their eating corn, wheat, basically all of our food and our food's food. So you can say goodbye to this.

He lifts up a bagel. Franklin's phone proceeds to ring as he proceeds to answer it.

Franklin: Hello?

Claire: Franklin, it's me. you at work?

Franklin gets up and walks to a corner.

Franklin: Okay, you're a bit of a subject of interest around here since I can't really be talking to you.

Claire: Come on, I'm in trouble. I really need your help. Please.

Franklin: Yeah, and I could lose my job and you know I'm not qualified to do anything else.

Claire: We're outside.

Franklin looks out the window and sees Owen Blue and Claire right outside the building.

Owen: Let me talk to him.

We cut to an outside diner as Franklin finds a picture of Rainn on a side view picture.

Franklin: That him?

Blue snarls furiously not forgetting how he ran her over a cliff when they captured her baby

Owen: That's him

Franklin: Name's Rainn Delacourt. Little piece of work. What did he take?

Claire: Something we care about very much.

Franklin: Oh shit. I told you somebody would come looking for her. You can't just take a person, Claire.

Claire: I had no choice.

Franklin: Not in the eyes of the law.

Owen: This guy is not the law. Tell us how to find him.

Franklin: Where'd you guys call me from?

Claire gets a phone and gives it to Franklin.

Franklin: We have a man on the inside of Delacourt's operation. There's an exchange in Malta sometime tomorrow, cash for cargo.

Owen: Is she with them?

Franklin: There's no mention but we have people on the ground already. One of them you know a lot of us got recruited by the CIA after the park went down

Franklin scrolls through files of workers until he stops at a file of Barry and shows it to Claire and Owen.

Franklin: Barry's French intelligence now.

Owen: I need to talk to him.

Franklin: We can't just call him. He's deep cover. Look, once we make the bus to Malta, our guys will see if Delacore knows where she is. Our guys, not you. Promise me you will go in there with your vest and mess everything up.

Owen: Why would I do that?

Franklin: You guys are both crazy but you seem like you're good parents or whatever you're trying to be. She's lucky to have you. Don't get killed, okay?

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