Ghidorah's ghost

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Ghidorah soared through the desert on his victims braviary until he sees the gang. With them hoopa feels his essence and gets scared. Ghidorah lands and destroys the poke ball for braviary, automatically freeing it and turning to the group

Miray: you found it! It's the prison bottle!


Miray: huh?

Ghidorah: you seem surprised to see me Steven. Hmhm, I can't imagine why

Steven: (gasp) ghidorah?

Man: in this pathetic human flesh puppet!

Steven: but I thought....

Ghidorah: you defeated me. Yes, luckily this nice boy found the prison bottle and bing bang boom, here I am

Latias: and what are you gonna do now! Kill us?

Ghidorah: no! Of course now. HE is

He grabs out the prison bottle and opens it up allowing his spirit to charge down stevens throat making his shine hold and transform freeing the man who found the bottle

Miray: barza! Are you okay?

Barza: what happened?

Manny: a dragon ghost possessed you

Barza: what?!

Sid: uh... does That look like a problem to you?

They all look to see Steven grow in size as he changes into his dinosaur form. But now his claws become sharper, his neck elongates as he transforms into a massive towering monster

 But now his claws become sharper, his neck elongates as he transforms into a massive towering monster

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James: how are we gonna catch that?!

Jessie: it's that bottle we need!

Meowth: hey I'm digging that! It could turn me into a super powered up jumbo giant meowth!

James: it's genius!

Jessie: a giant winner!

Meowth: meal made for me!

The monster looks at the trio and right up destroys their balloon then and their making them plummet to the ground. The beast was about to stomp on them before braza's braviary swoops around distracting it. The monster swipes him to the ground as purple aura surrounds the monster destroying the area around it. It bellows at the gang and charged at them blasting lightning at them. They all run for their lives before latias tris to stop it

Latias: Steven! This isn't you! Snap out of it!

The monster instead grabs her with its jaws and tosses her to the ground knocking her out and then flat out smacking her to the gang with its tail. It then slams the ground next to braza sending him flying right into its mouth. Luckily charizard catches him and lands him safely to the ground as they all gather vines

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