Best friends forever

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The gang get ready to get back to the crater before the eclipse starts

Sonic: so your saying that when the moon covers the sun, something grand will Happen?

Steven: yeah! And we should get going back

Sonic: well your not going anywhere without me. Ya know why?

Sonic is right in front of him

Sonic: 🎶cause I can tell we got a lot
In common
Even though we look as different as can be
We don't even have to try
To see things eye to eye
It just comes to us naturally
Come to think of it
I think we fit together
Playing all these rules won't get us very far
Theirs no need to feud and fuss
When it isn't really us
Let's you and me be who we are
We're a duo
A duo
A pair of lucky fellas
Who were meant to be a two
Oh a duo
It's true-oh
Wherever we go
We're going me and you
No matter what now we've got one another
Well be there to pick each other off the floor
Anytime you'r feeling glum
Count on me to be a chum

Steven:🎶of ya get an itch attack
I'll be there to scratch your back

Sonic: 🎶now who could ever ask for more?
We're friends and that's what friends are for

Both:🎶were a duo
A duo
A pair of lucky ones
who were meant to be a two
Oh a duo
It's true-Oh
If we're ever on a stew
We know we can make it through
Cause you got me and
Yes sir!🎶

Manny: come on you two!

Sonic: shotgun!

Steven: let's get going!

The gang are then On their way

Sid: this is gonna be the best migration ever! I'm telling ya I'll show ya all my favorite watering holes!

Sonic: I could go for a bath myself. I haven't bathed in 3 days!

Steven: well change that cause I know a good hotel where we can have some fun time

Latias: and romance

Steven: oh you!
Meanwhile, On the mushroom planet, we see how Robotnik shaves his head bald with a piece of shrapnel. His face is reflected in a puddle of water

Dr. Robotnik: My grasp on sanity remains absolute.

He looks to his right and we see that he is a different man. His mustache has become longer, more curly and orange and his nose red, possibly due to a bruising or something. A standard Eggman look

 A standard Eggman look

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Dr. Robotnik: Isn't that right, Agent Stone?

He's talking to Stone, all right. A literal stone, with Stone's face carved into it, reminiscent of Wilson in Cast Away. Robotnik picks up the rock. As we zoom out, we see that he has gained some weight

Dr. Robotnik: Why don't you get a headstart?

He throws the rock away

Dr. Robotnik: Do some rock-connaissance! (laughs, looking around, raspy voice) Rock-connaissance! Come on, that's hilarious! (punches a nearby mushroom) What's the matter with you?!

He grabs his LCD armstrap off the ground. It reads: "Doctor's Log: Day 87"

Dr. Robotnik: Here's the sitch... Uninhabited planet.

He picks up the remains of his Eggmobile, strapped together with a healthy amount of mushrooms on top

Dr. Robotnik: No resources, no supplies. (hoists the load on his back) No apparent way home. (chuckles) A lesser man would die here.

Robotnik lifts the tube containing Sonic's quill, still bursting with energy

Robotnik lifts the tube containing Sonic's quill, still bursting with energy

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Dr. Robotnik: I'll be home by Christmas...

He puts his glasses on, does his robot act...

Dr. Robotnik: Zzt, zzt, zzt, zzt...

...and paces forward as the camera pulls out, showing the sheer scope of the planet: mushrooms on top of mushrooms on top of mushrooms...

Robotnik picks Stone back up and throws it further along the path, groaning

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Robotnik picks Stone back up and throws it further along the path, groaning

Dr. Robotnik: Rock-connaissance! (crazy laughter) Come on, cheer up!

Steven universe adventures 2حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن