Shocks and scares

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The next scene cuts to SpongeBob and Patrick riding to a nearby gas station in the Patty Wagon

SpongeBob and Patrick: ♪Oh, I'm a Goofy Goober, yeah. You're a Goofy Goober, yeah. We're all Goofy Goobers, yeah. Goofy, goofy, goober, goober, yeah!♪

They stop at a gas station right before the county line. Past the county line, Bikini Bottom's beautiful landscape is replaced by barren locations. SpongeBob is wearing an aviator's outfit at the wheel and honks his horn to wake up the two hick gas station attendants, Floyd and Lloyd.

 SpongeBob is wearing an aviator's outfit at the wheel and honks his horn to wake up the two hick gas station attendants, Floyd and Lloyd

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SpongeBob: Fill 'er up, please.

Floyd: What'll it be, fellas? Mustard... er ketchup?!

Floyd and Lloyd slap their knees and crack up, rocking in their chairs.

Patrick: Are they laughing at us?

SpongeBob: No, Patrick. They're laughing next to us.

Floyd and Lloyd continue to laugh as they advance towards the Patty Wagon. Then, Lloyd bends down and Floyd uses him for support.

Floyd: Where you two dumb kids headed, anyway?

Patrick: Kids?!

SpongeBob: Now, Patrick. For your information, we are not kids. We are men. And we're off to get Leviathans chest in Shell City.

Floyd and Lloyd: Shell City?

Lloyd: Ain't that the place that's guarded by a killer Cyclops?

SpongeBob: That's right.

Floyd: your crazy kid! Didn't ya hear the stories?

Patrick: what stories?

Lloyd: it's not JUST the cyclops ya have to deal with, but

The two look to one another with chills up their spines

Both: aliens

SpongeBob and Patrick: aliens?

Floyd: the ones that live above the surface. Only a few ever saw them, and live to tell the tale

Lloyd: their said to be like big ugly penguins with fat flabby faces with frontway eyes, no feathers, or beaks, and appendages

Floyd: their said to cook, kill and eat fish to their pleasure or worse! Sell them in gift shops

Lloyd; I'm scared just thinking of it

Floyd: if I were you I'd get while the gettings good cause you ain't gonna last at least ten seconds over the county line

SpongeBob: Oh, yeah? We'll see about that.

He and Patrick get back into the Patty Wagon and pass the county line. A boat jacker stops them

Boat jacker: Out of the car, fellas.

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