Mammoth manipulation

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Steven and his friends were well on their way on finding xerneas

Sid: ya sure we don't need diancie?

Manny: diancie shmiancie. We have a D.T.S, Diego tracking system

Diego: this nose, these instincts, never miss

Diancie: you just did

Diego: huh?

Diancie: cause we're supposed to go this way

Manny: are you sure about that miss princess?

Diancie: I would never ever tell a lie. I was taught that not always telling the truth is wrong

Shira: how do you even know where to go?

Diancie: because the fairy aura that surrounds xerneas leaves a trail. And I am able to Spence that trail

Sid: talk about deep

They continue their way

Diancie: I'm Sure xernease will be there. I know it

Steven: I'm sure of it too

Latias: so am I

She nuzzles his shoulder in a romantic motion

Manny: jeez, it was gross enough that she lived him as a human, but now it's even grosser now that their both Pokémon

Ellie: stop picking on him!

Manny: come on ell, your not still mad at me about the anniversary are you?

Ellie: no. I'm not still mad, because that's not how I want to spend probably our final adventures with them. But if we somehow make his dream come true and make an animal and human friendly planet, your in for it

Manny: if we fulfill it they get married and fly off with their own kind never to be seen again

Ellie: I was thinking about that too. What if....

Manny: ooh! I know! We destroy their relationship! Right? That way we'll never have to let them go, and they'll just stay little kids FOREVER!!!!

Ellie: NO YOU PSYCHOPATH! What if... we convince them to stay with us?

Manny: oh! That's better! I like it! But how

Ellie: the way we used to make peaches do what we want. We make them think it's their plan

Manny: you sneaky sneaky minx! Hehehe

Ellie: let's just hope we haven't lost our touch
Later that night as everyone was asleep, diancie was practicing on making a heart diamond getting Stevens attention. But she got so worn out it vanished in seconds

Diancie: I'm sorry mother.... I just can't do it like you

She looks up as a shooting star soars across the sky before her eyes

She looks up as a shooting star soars across the sky before her eyes

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