Meet diancie

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Steven and his friends were in the kalos region and just in time as they were now in a Pokémon battle against a trainer from sinnoh. Perfect test for Steven to see what he was made of. Steven dodges a fire blast that's as tossed at him from a vicious pyroar who charges at him. He lunges above the feline and uses thunderbolt on him knocking him out
Meanwhile diancie was hopping through the grassy field when she was ambushed by a giant delphox and her master

 He lunges above the feline and uses thunderbolt on him knocking him out____Meanwhile diancie was hopping through the grassy field when she was ambushed by a giant delphox and her master

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Woman: delphox

Delphox: fire blast!

She makes a circle of fire and fires it at the princess who barely dodged it as she makes her way to where the others were

Crash and Eddie: go Steven! Go go go!
When your blasted at go low!

Eddie: #Steven!

Crash:#what does hashtag mean?

Eddie: #i don't know but it sounds cool!

Crash: #totally!

Eddie: #I'm starting to get sick of it
Meanwhile diancie enters the town when a greninja ambushed her with his master behind her

Eddie: #I'm starting to get sick of it____Meanwhile diancie enters the town when a greninja ambushed her with his master behind her

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Greninja unravels his tongue and readies to wrap it around her but she energetic fields it away and hops to safety. While the while a honedge was watching her
The sinnoh trainer gets out her absol and Steven was ready for the final battle. But then the trainers mega stone shined brightly as well as the stone around absol and at that very moment, absol mega evolved

 But then the trainers mega stone shined brightly as well as the stone around absol and at that very moment, absol mega evolved

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