Closer than expected

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Buck wakes up and checks on the sun with the moon covering it more than anticipated!

Buck wakes up and checks on the sun with the moon covering it more than anticipated!

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Buck: crikey!

Buck looks to the tablet to see the error he made

Buck: good gravy buck! What have you done?

Buck gets out of his sleeping hole

Buck: alright everyone! Time to get moving! Now let's not linger on this, but yes. I read the tablet wrong, the eclipse is closer than expected

As he walks he feels himself sip. He looks down to see footprints

Littlefoot: wow! Who made these footprints?

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Littlefoot: wow! Who made these footprints?

Buck hesitates

Petrie: maybe f-f- fast biters

Latias: or maybe it was victor trying to find us

Buck: yes or maybe it was homicidal thirty foot Dino birds seeking revenge on me! All good theories let's go with petries!

Bad move

Diego: I knew it! So this whole time we've been chased around by giant dino birds?

Buck: oh! Only three! I didn't want to damage morale

Manny: right, because before this we were on a carefree pleasure cruise

Diego: wait a Minuit

He sniffs the air

Diego: I got a scent!

They all rush to where Diego was going and they see they were in dehara city

They all rush to where Diego was going and they see they were in dehara city

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Manny: we made it!

Sonic: we need to get there quickly

Suddenly they all hear a loud roar

Miray: what was that?

They all look to see zekrom blocking dehara tower with his lightning storms

Manny: talk about defense systems

Diego: latias, you find reshiram, we'll see if we can distract black dragon

Latias: right, Timon, pumbaa, your with me

Timon: what?

Latias: you let Steven get captured, your paying for it by helping me

Latias zooms off with Timon and pumbaa in her arms as the gang rush to dehara tower

Meanwhile Godzilla and the tapu guardians watch the eclipse about to start

Godzilla: it is time

He charges up his dorsal plates and blasts his atomic breath into the sky. Alerting all the Titans around the world .Scylla in the Antarctic, behemoth in the Amazon jungle, methuselah in Germany, the leviathan in Scotland, the queen nikumushi in New Mexico, and king on skull island. They all went to the dehara city in the Pokémon islands as fast as they could, but then again, they were towering monsters so it was technically an easy journey
Meanwhile arceus sensed the coming events and using his powers, alerted all the legendary Pokémon to head the same direction. They flew, stampeded, and swam at top speed, as arceus was ready himself

Arceus: the time has come
Indeed it was cause with the coming eclipse coming, two lights sores through the cosmos making a beeline for earth, one a solar lion,

Arceus: the time has come____Indeed it was cause with the coming eclipse coming, two lights sores through the cosmos making a beeline for earth, one a solar lion,

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and the other a lunar bat

and the other a lunar bat

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Destiny was Coming

Steven universe adventures 2Where stories live. Discover now