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The rain fell all night long. Everyone was getting sick of it. Steven was taking a look around in the caves when he came across the cavern where manny Sid scrat and Diego found the cave paintings and saw four particular ones that stick out to him

 Steven was taking a look around in the caves when he came across the cavern where manny Sid scrat and Diego found the cave paintings and saw four particular ones that stick out to him

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Steven glanced at each one and saw they all had diamonds on them. Two diamonds on their chests, one on their navel and one on their forehead. That's when it came to him. These were great deities that he once knew

Steven: my.... family...
The next morning the rain finally cleared out and gave way to the sun with the moon 12 inches away from it. Everyone was enjoying a good breakfast, even the carnivores had their meal as the geysers in the flatland were built in meat dispensers. Guess who ever made this place made all the essentials for both herbivores and carnivores

Ducky: that sky water lasted-Ed a long time last night. It did! It did

Petrie: well... me might like sky water if it not so wet!

Littlefoot: well petrie, the bright circle is out now, so it'll dry everything out. Right cera?

Cera: it better littlefoot. My tree stars are soggy

That's when Sid woke up from his tree

Sid: huh?! Hey hey, I'm up! I'm up!

Sid slides down to where Gladys was

Sid: rise and shine granny!

She smacks him with her walking stick

Granny: what's with the youth of today?! Lady can't have a good rest in piece?

Diego: what's the life expectancy for a female sloth?

Manny: she'll outlive us all ya know that right? Yeah the spiteful ones live the longest

That's when they saw Steven looking up into the sky

Ruby: what is it about the sky that your looking at?

Steven:.... my family

Serena: you mean, your birth family?

Steven just nods as they all look up to the sky

Cera: your birth family... is up above the sky stars?

Steven nods again

Ducky: and you just remembered-Ed them making you curious?

Steven nods

Latias: and you want to see them again?

Steven nods so much he gets dizzy

Ash: well what are we waiting for!

Gang: huh?

Ash: let's meet Stevens family!

Steven: no. That's something I alone got to do

Littlefoot: that could be an adventure like no other!

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