Oscar bets it all

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We cut to the seahorse track where everyone went to see the lates seahorse race. It was one of their pastimes adapted from the surface worlds horse races, but with seahorses. Everyone goes in, makes a bet to see which horse would win and watch the race to see the race for themselves. Right now Sykes and the jellyfish were waiting for Oscar to come with his debt

Sykes: that kid better show up or he's dead meat

Bernie: just say the word boss

We cut inside the booth to see Oscar carrying a large package which was his debt

Oscar: carrying a big ass envelope full of money, giving it to mr Sykes

Little does he know that plankton was there for phase 2 of plan Z as he races to the booths with his best acting

Plankton; out of my way!

Oscar moves it as he is curious about what plankton was doing here

Oscar: what's someone like you doing here?

Plankton; getting my bet in of course! Didn't you hear? Someone rigged the fourth race!

That caught his interest

Plankton: they say they have a hit on who's gonna win the fourth race!

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Plankton: they say they have a hit on who's gonna win the fourth race!

Oscar: really? Who?

Plankton: the pride and joy of Davy Jones seahorse ranch lucky day!

Announcer:-lucky day 200 to 1

Plankton: they say he's gonna win! And whoever bets his win will be the riches fish in the reef!

Oscar: ooh! Top of the reef here I come! No! Wait, what am I doing?! Remember what Angie said, remember what Angie said

Plankton: perhaps you don't know what your missing. All that cash in your hand are just mere pennies compared to the thousands of millions you could win when betting it~

Oscar: bet...on lucky day?

Plankton; you could go from a nobody that no fish remembers...or...be the cleaner wrasse who bet it all...

Oscar bet it all...

He then thought of what could happen when he bet the money. But he couldn't. This was his debt money! He couldn't bet all the moola he owed to Sykes

Plankton: aren't you tried of being a worthless little fish nobody even stops to acknowledge your existence? Almost as if you never existed at all?


Plankton: then bet the money! It's just pocket change compared to all the millions you can earn with lucky day....

Oscar couldn't argue there. He did make a good point. The thought of fulfilling his dream of being a somebody...but he couldn't

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