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"Oh my god finally we're here! I thought I was gonna die in that van." I exclaimed as I stretch. Everyone gets out of the van and stretches as well. After Aizawa parks and gets Eri out of her booster seat, we decided to check out the beach house.

"Holy quiznak! These are big!" Denki yells. I look at him in excitement. "Denki! You watch Voltron too?!" They nod their head quickly. I walk over to him. "Ok. Thoughts on klance?" I ask. "Best ship ever. Is that even a question?" Denki says, looking at me like I was crazy. "Correct answer. Next, thoughts on Allura?" They rolled their eyes. "Whore and needs to die." They say after thinking for a bit. "Again correct answer. You're acing this! Ok last question, have you watched season 8 yet?" Denki shakes their head no. "Me either. Now that's something we can watch together!" I say, giving theirs a high five, eventually catcihng up with the rest of the class.

(Ok quick intermission: If you don't ship klance or actually like Allura or just don't watch Voltron in general, then I apologize. That paragraph might not have been for you. Personally, I ADORE klance and I DESPISE Allura. So if you don't like that then 🤷🏾‍♀️ Ok chug jug is playing on my Alexa bye)

"Alright." Aizawa started. "Ground rules." Everyone groaned. "Come on Aizawa-sensei. We're on vacation! We shouldn't have rules." Sero complained. Aizawa rolled his eyes. "Oh shut your traps and listen. Rule one: As you can see, there are a few big houses. One for boys, one for girls, one for non-binary people, and one for Hiza- Present Mic and I." Some cheered at the thought of a non-binary house. "I really don't care where you sleep. Just sleep INSIDE and for the love of everything, please don't fuck." Blank stares everywhere.

"So what we're NOT gonna do is talk about sex on my birthday, so everyone go to your designated houses, change, them meet back outside to play some games. Or go back to sleep. Whatever you wanna do." We all ran into the houses and changed our clothes.


I look at myself in the mirror that was in the room I had picked. I run my fingers up and down my arms and thighs and saw how truly ugly my healing scars were with a beautiful bathing suit.

'Wow you're ugly'
'Are you really gonna go out like that?'
'Everyone would stay away from you'
'You look disgusting'

I felt tears threaten to fall when my room door open. "Yo Jirou you finished yet?" She asked, looking at her phone. I didn't answer. She finally looked up from her phone and saw me with my head down. "Hey hey what's wrong?" I shook my head. "Nothing. Come on, let's go outside." I say, walking past Y/N, keeping my head down.


"Come on, let's go outside." She says, trying to walk past me. I grab her arm before she can walk out the door. "No no no no no. You're gonna tell me what's wrong." I insist, dragging her to sit on the bed. She follows, keeping her head down.

"Don't get on my case for this...but am I ugly?" She asks, finally lifting her head. I stare at her blankly. "No." I simply reply. "Oh my god my insecurities magically disappeared. Wow. I'm the most beautiful person in the world." She says sarcastically. "Yes you are." I say again, keeping a straight face. She rolled her eyes and sat back on the bed.

"You know that song that Kirishima was playing in the car ride here?" I ask. She nods her head. "I was thinking about you when that song came on." I say, blushing a bit. "I was... actually thinking about you too." We both looked at each other and laughed. "Come on. The others are probably waiting for us." I say, taking her hand and pulling her out of the bedroom.


"Y/N!" Kaminari yells, serving the ball to me. "Got it!" I yell, slamming it past Bakugo's attempted block. "Alright!" My team yells. The other team groans and sits on the sand to cool off.

"Not as fun as on-court volleyball, but it'll do." I say, drinking some water. Kaminari agrees. "When did you start playing?" They ask, walking somewhere. "Since my second year of middle school. You?" I respond, following. They nod. "About the same." We both walk in silence until we see a cliff that overlooked the approaching sunset.

"I think I'm gonna kiss Jirou tonight."
"I think you should kiss Jirou tonight."

We both looked at each other in shock. "What?!" We both ask. "No you first!" "No you!" "Stop copying me!" We both yell at the same time. "Ok," I say taking a deep breath. "Why did you say that?" Denki shrugs.

"This just seems like the perfect scenery to do it. Now why did YOU say what you said?" He asks, nudging my shoulder. I shrug as well. "Pretty much the same." I had a wide smile on my face making an elaborate plan on how I'm gonna kiss Jirou.


1) Wait for sunset.

2) Have her dress up a little bit.

3) Walk down the beach to the same cliff Denki took me too.

4) Make small conversation.

5) Look her in the eyes and DO IT!

6) Leave the beach with a girlfriend!

{My Little Rockstar!} Jirou x Fem Reader🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon