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When Jirou and I got to Class 1A, we were a bit shocked about how big the door was. And by the looks of it, Jirou and a green haired boy who had just stood next to you was as well.

"Well...this place sure is big." I say breaking the silence. They both hummed in agreement. I opened the door for the both of them and we all were a bit taken aback by what we just saw.

There was a spiky blonde haired boy with his feet on the table being reprimanded by a boy doing robot arms. There was a guy with red hair and another with yellow hair with a black lightning bolt in it who were talking. Then there was a yellow...sleeping bag on the floor?

When I went to see the reactions of Jirou and the green haired boy, he looked absolutely terrified. He was looking in the direction of the blonde haired boy, who had an angered look on his face. "YOU DAMN DEKU! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE? THIS PLACE ISN'T MADE FOR QUIRKLESS LOSERS LIKE YOU!" he screamed. The green haired boy, apparently named Deku, looked like his wanted to cry. "K-K-Kacchan." he stuttered. "I-I'm glad to see you g-g-got into UA." "DON'T TRY TO AVOID MY QUESTION! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?" The boy, I guess named Kacchan, was getting angrier by the second, already grabbing ahold of Deku's shirt collar. 

"Hey dumbass. Leave him alone." I say emotionlessly. He turned to me with an angered face. "THE FUCK DID YOU JUST CALL ME? I'LL KILL YOU!" he screamed into my ear. I activated my quirk and my voice got very low. (Think of the lowest note on a piano. Now that you have that, double that. That's how deep your voice is, but it's very powerful.) 

'Kacchan' let go of my shirt collar, which I wasn't aware that he grabbed, and covered his ears. He groaned in pain while the rest of our classmates turned the heads to look at us. "Hey Y/N, I think that's enough." someone said. As I deactivated my quirk, I see that the person talking was Jirou. She had a soft smile on her face that made my face turn a shade of pink.

(OK, quick side note. I don't really a lot of black Y/N's, so I might make some MHA head canons with a black Y/N. Let me know if you'd like that!) 

"Alright you brats (captain Levi who?) listen up. I'm really tired so change into your training outfits and meet me in the track. You have 10 minutes. Go!" the sleeping bag who apparently had a man inside of it said. We all ran to the changing room and changed into our training outfits. 


We all exit the school and go onto the track. Our sleeping bag man is already there. "Alright listen up. Think of this as the second part of your entrance exam. Take this ball and throw it as hard as you can. Pretty simple, right? Wrong! Whoever gets the lowest score gets expelled immediately." he says in a very tired voice. All of our eyes widened when he says his last sentence. "Alright who wants to go first? We need to get this over with because I'm tired." "I'll go first! I need to put these extras in their place!" 'Kacchan' yells. 


"Y/N it's your turn." the sleeping bag man says. I nod my head and step up to the starting circle. Before I started though, I turned to Momo. "Hey Momo. Could you make some sound proof headphones for everyone?" I ask. She agrees and makes them. Everyone, even the spiky haired boy did and I focused back on the exam. I focus my quirk on the ball and activate it. My voice gets very deep, just like how I used on Kacchan, but a little lower. The ball started shaking and eventually started floating. I then increased my voice extremely high to propel the ball forward as fast as it will go. 

I open my eyes, unaware that I closed them, and they widened. "Uh oh!"

THANKS FOR READING! I might make another chapter tonight or continue again tomorrow/when I can. BYE BYE!

{My Little Rockstar!} Jirou x Fem Reader🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ