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I was watching (insert favorite anime here) and singing my heart out on the intro. But I didn't realize that someone was in the house. The ending was finished and I was catching my breath and getting some water from my bottle. When I was taking a sip, I see someone by my door. I immediately spit pout my water and started choking. "Shinsou what the hell? You scared me!" He chuckled and sat down next to me on my bed. "What are you watching?" he asked. I relaxed a bit and readjusted myself. "(insert favorite anime here)." "Oooooh. I love that show. It gets so good when..." I pushed his face to make him stop talking. "Don't spoil it you idiot!" He laughs again and sits back up.


Its now about 1am and my parents still aren't home, thankfully. Shinsou is passed out and I'm wrapped up in my blanket with very dark eyes bags still watching (insert favorite anime here).  It's been more than 5 hours!! And the problem is that I'm not even tired. 

Ok little intermission. I am in emotional distress rn! My friend told me to read this fanfic on AO3 and I've never felt more violated in my LIFE!! It's a suna x kita and...my body is in distress. I HIGHLYYYYYYYYYYYYY don't recommend reading it. This is literally rape and gore and it has traumatized me. The amount of times I wanted to throw up is absolutely insane! I'm not going to give you the name of it bc I don't want y'all to go through this too! Just pleaseeee don't read it! Honestly if you really wanna know, it's called bottle cap. But if you're traumatized from now on and clenching your butt cheeks together every five seconds like I am, don't say I didn't warn you!

Eventually I started getting tired and snuggled up next to my cousin. He always made me feel at peace and not have to worry about my shit show life. (I just realized that this sounded like some sweet home Alabama type bs but its NOT!!!)

The next morning


I groaned as I turned off my alarm. I look down and see that Shinsou is still in my bed. I was still really tired, so without realizing how much strength was in me, I pushed him. I thought it was a slight nudge, but it turns out that I pushed him off of my bed. He screamed and I gasped, slapping my hand over my mouth to stop myself from laughing. 

"Oh my gosh Shinsou are you alright?" I say, desperately trying not to laugh. When he stands up again, he starts laughing. But when I say laughing, I mean cackling. Like full blown holding his laugh tea kettle that burned todoroki's face balling his eyes out laughing. And when he started laughing, I started too. 

We were laughing for about a good 5 minutes when we both caught our breath. "Omg! Wait. What time is it? Alexa what time is it?" "The time is 7:45 AM. Have a good day Y/N." "Aww thanks Alexa." I respond. "Wait... IT'S 7:45! CLASS STARTS AT 8!!" Shinsou and I both yell.

We sprint out of bed and change our clothes. I guess Shinsou was planning on staying the night all along bc he had a bag with his school uniform in it. When we both get changed, we run downstairs and see that nobody was there. 'So they never came back huh?' I thought. I brushed it off and sprinted to the door, my cousin following. 

We took the same path that I took when I snuck out and ran into that scar-covered man. Not even gonna lie, he was kinda hot. That scars just add to it. He probably has some family drama too, probably daddy issues and- WAIT! What am I even saying?!

We walk past the same ally where I saw him last. There were a good few people on that block, but I felt someone's eyes burning into my skull. I slow down a bit and turn around. That's when I see him again. He notices me, winks, salutes, and walks back into the ally. I just chills down my spine. Not just because I want him to destroy my insid-.


We finally make it to school. But literally at the last second. We ran up SO many flights of stairs. And the kinda big things on my chest were NOT helping. As I enter the class, out of breath, everyone's heads turn and face me. My head was hanging low and I was panting and kinda sweating, but when I looked up, I gave everyone a sort of death glare. Their faces immediately went back to Aizawa's, or my...uncle's. It's gonna be so weird. "Y/N. Please see me after class. I need to speak with you. Just known that you're not in trouble" he calls out. I nod my head and walk to my seat. 

"You look like shit. What happened to you?" Jirou asks. "Why thanks so much for the compliment" I say rolling my eyes. "If you must know, I was binging (insert favorite anime here)." I say as I'm getting my things out for class. "Omg you like that show? I thought I was the only weeb in this class. What season are you on?" she says excitedly. "Oh I think season (insert season and episode numbers here)." "Are you fucking kidding me? I'm on there too!" she exclaims, kinda loud. Like loud enough for most of the class to turn their heads towards us. She apologizes and unclezawa gets back to teaching. I'm gonna start calling him that now!

"I put a TV in our room after you left yesterday. Do you maybe wanna watching it together? It's ok if you say no but-" I cut her off. "You gotta stop doing that Jirou. I'd love too!" I say. She blushes and nods in agreement. Then class starts. UGH!


'God damn it Jirou! Quit it with the stuttering! Be proud you idiot!' I think to myself as class ends. I was waiting for Y/N, but I remembered that she had to stay behind to talk to Aizawa-sensei. There were a few desks outside his room, so I sat in one and plugged one of my headphone jacks into my phone and listened to music while finishing up my animation. 


It's been about 20 minutes and I'm kind of starting to get worried. But I shake it off when I realize that she's in good hands. Aizawa-sensei is one of the best pro heroes ever! I see the door open and see Y/N walk out. "Hey! What are you still doing here? Why'd you wait for me?" she asked. 

I honestly didn't have a good answer. I don't know why I waited for her. "Um. I don't know." I hesitated. She laughed and nudged my arm a little, causing me to stumble a bit. I regained my balance and nudged her arm back. We did this all the way back to the dorms, getting a few stares from our other classmates. But I didn't care. For the first time in a while, I was genuinely happy.


{My Little Rockstar!} Jirou x Fem Reader🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈Where stories live. Discover now