(15) (Also a backstory)

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"Y/N. Who's bf/n?" she said. I froze. I didn't know what to say. I didn't know what to do. I just sat there. "She...she was..." I started. "She was my best friend. I loved her so much. She was the best friend ever. But we were in my treehouse and she came at me with a weapon, so I pushed her out and she died." I let it all out and break down. "I-I miss her so much Jirou. I shouldn't have done it. I don't think I can do this." I was breaking down, tears flowing like a river. 

It looked like Jirou didn't know what to do. She looked stunned. 

Jirou was looking at me shocked. "Y-You killed her?" she said. "Yes! Yes! I'm sorry. Don't make me live through it again! Please!" I yell, grabbing onto her shoulders. She looked me in the eyes. "I'm sorry. It's ok. I'm here and you're safe." She laid my head on her chest at we laid in her bed. She stroked my hair and I calmed down. 

Update that nobody asked for or cares about: I watched banana fish. I feel nothing. I am emotionally numb. I'm listening to Mr. Loverman with Ash and Eiji's voices on repeat. You'll have to bare with a few late updates here and there. That is all.



"Hey y/n!" bf/n called out, waving. "Hey! Come on I have something really cool to show you!" I say grabbing her hand. I noticed that she was holding something behind her back. "Hey what's in your other hand? I wanna see." She kept her hand behind her back. "Nope! I'll show you when we get to the treehouse!" she said. I nod my head and ran to the treehouse.

"Hey Shin!" I say, surprised to see him there. "Hey Y/N! Check it out! I took my dad's scarf." he says, wrapping the scarf around his hands. Bf/n and I smiled. "I'm gonna get some snacks. Be right back." He climbs down the ladder and runs towards my house. That's when bf/n turns towards me with a very creepy smile. "Well well well Y/N." She finally removes what she had behind her back. It was a knife.

"H-Hey bf/n. What are you doing with that? What did I do? I'm sorry!" I say, backing up. She kept crawling towards me with the weapon. "You thought you could get away with it didn't you. You thought you could take r/b (random boy) away from me. You knew that I liked him. No, even loved him. But you just had to go and mess it up huh? Now I'm gonna kill you!" She starts coming at me with the knife. I activate my quirk, but her quirk easily counters mine. We start fighting in the treehouse for about 5 minutes. She now has me dangling out of the treehouse with the knife at my throat. "No! Please! I didn't do anything!" I pleaded. She was pushing the knife into my throat, causing me to choke on my own blood. I managed to have enough strength in me to push my legs onto her torso and kick her out of the treehouse. I immediately push myself up and start coughing. 

I then hear a very loud crack. 'Please don't tell me I did what I think I just did.' I gather up enough courage and look out of the front of treehouse. 'Oh....my....god...'  I see bf/n with a broken back and the same knife that she almost tried to kill me with lodged in her throat. That's also when I see Shinsou coming back outside with snacks in his hands. 

When he sees bf/n most likely dead and me with a gash in my throat, he immediately ran over to the treehouse. "Oh my fucking god! Y/N what happened?!" he shouted. "I don't know. She came at me with a knife so I pushed her out the treehouse and..." He stopped me. "Ok that's all I needed to know. I always knew that she was sketchy. Come on. Let's sneak inside and get you a bandage." I nod and run with him into the house.

Luckily nobody was downstairs, so Shinsou and I were able to get upstairs and get a bandage. "You ok?" he asks. "If I'm being honest...no." I say as I curl up into a ball and sit in the corner. 

'Why does this stuff only happen to me?' 

OMFG I'M SO SO SOOOOOOO SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATE! There has been a lot going on in my personal life, which has included frequent panic attacks and not a lot of motivation. There still might be some late updates here or there though, so I'm sorry again. BYE BYE!

{My Little Rockstar!} Jirou x Fem Reader🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈Where stories live. Discover now