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"Y/N WAKE YOUR F***OT ASS UP AND GET TO SCHOOL NOW!" my mother yelled. I quickly got myself about of bed and headed straight for my bathroom. Luckily, I had a bathroom connected to my bedroom. I really wasn't in the mood to go to school, but I had to.

My parents had the "perfect child" then decided to have another one, but they got me instead. When I told them that I was a lesbian, they didn't take it how I thought they would. Though, I shouldn't have expected something big. They're the worst. They abused me, mentally, emotionally, and most definitely physically. This led to a spiral of depression and self harm. (Again if you are going through this, I'm so sorry and just know that you are not alone!)

I finish getting ready and start heading downstairs. As soon as I entered the kitchen, I felt a hand slap across my face. "Get out of the kitchen and go to school! You're getting fat, so you don't deserve to eat!" boomed your father. You fell to the floor from the slap, but quickly got up, afraid of what he would do if you stayed there. You quickly said goodbye, with no response from anybody, and made your way to school.


I hop out of my roller-skates and into my school shoes. I quickly walk into the building, avoiding eye contact with anyone. But that wasn't working, because now I was lost. I look around and see someone else who seems to be lost. I had no choice but to go up to her and ask for help.

"Hi!" I say as I approached her. "Um, do you know the way to Class 1A?" She looked and me and chuckled a bit. "Funny you should say that, I was thinking about going up to you and asking the same thing." We both laughed until a teacher, I guess monitoring the halls, caught us. "Hey girls! Why aren't you in class?" she said. "We got lost!" we both said. "Well come with me then. I suppose you are in Class 1A?" she asked as she turned around. Me and the girl nodded and followed.

"I'm Jirou by the way!" she introduced as she reached her arm out. I flinched a bit at the sudden movement, but returned the action. "I'm Y/N." We shook hands and followed the teacher back to class.


"I wonder what that was about. Why did she flinch?"

Okie dokie guys gals and non-binary pals! This is the first chapter of my story! Hope you like it! BYE BYE!

{My Little Rockstar!} Jirou x Fem Reader🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن