Chapter 22: Stargazing ⚠️

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*very long chapter

I stretched my arms out and realised it was already past 10. The conversation with Fedrick yesterday seemed to rid me of my conflicts that I didn't want to stop sleeping.

There wasn't a choice to begin with anyway. All the previous 'paths' I had considered were just me running away from reality, rebelling my identity.

I washed up and looked for chae all over the house but to no avail. That was when I saw her striding with Dr jeon across the street, chatting away with smiles plastered all over their faces.

"Grrrrr" I rolled my eyes as usual and went to the front porch,hoping that my grumpy look would catch their attention. But I thought, perhaps it wasn't that bad she had someone which could look out for her afterall, I wont be here anymore soon.

She held out 2 large bags of something and waved them at my face, " bought some breakfast!"

"With him?" I glanced at Dr Jeon who was still smiling dreamily into blank space.

"Well, yes. Is there a problem?" She asked and I shook my head while trying to keep the jealousy down. I pulled her into my chest possesively and forced out a smile at jeon before forcefully dragging her in.

She simply laughed in response,as if she knew how I thought. "Calm down, we're just friends,Mr possesive park". She teased and took out my favourite human food, pancakes. They tasted so phenomenal I wondered what humans added to them.

Maybe my last day on earth wouldn't be that bad afterall. I slumped onto the chair, reluctant to fulfill the mission for today - that is to bid goodbye.

"Chaeyoung ah, are you free tonight?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Let's go stargazing " I turned to look at her, adoring every inch of her face.

"What? Since when could you see stars from here?"
Her eyebrows knitted.

"Trust me. It's going to be beautiful, you'll like it" I smiled despite my heart feeling as if someone had just pierced through it.


"It'll be tomorrow night" Fredrick said as he played with his long fingers.

"Tomorrow night what?" I stared at him in pure confusion.
"That you'll forever end things here on earth my lord" He chuckled at my clueless face and then whips out a calendar of some sort from his pocket.

"Look. Tomorrow night, 2 meteroids are supposed to collide right above earth. I'll use this and create a magical star wash, where it'll cleanse everyone's memory of you the moment they wake up the next morning. And some facts may be twisted to fit reality after you're gone"

I was dumbfounded by his words. So the way I was going to end things here was for everyone to forget about me?

"I'm sorry young master. I know you would not like this but it is the best way"

I let out a loud sigh, and bit my lip, trying hard to resist the urge to burst out into tears. A vampire shouldn't even be able to feel sad in the first place.

But if this was what it took to leave everyone here in peace, a chip of my sorrows would mean nothing to their safety. I'll make everything right again.

I gulped and looked up to meet Fedrick's worrying eyes, "Ok".

End of flashback<<

I set up the lounge area on our rooftop with her favourite cocktails and a soft scented candle at the side just as Fedrick has instructed.

"Hey, pretty" I stared at her from top to bottom, wondering why she looked so ethereal tonight despite only being in a casual hoodie and denim jean.

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