Chapter 1: the mission

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Jimin pov

"Finally the day has come my son"
My father said as he handed me a scroll.

My father was the king of the underworld realm of vampires. We never really interacted with the human world because we mainly fed on their fears instead of their physical blood. Only the royals had the privilege of tasting man's sweet blood while the commoners were immediately killed if they were caught entering the mortal realm.

And that included me. Mankind's blood makes us extremely powerful compared to others of the same kind but we were only allowed to hunt every decade.

Today, was the day my father would officially ascend his throne to me. But first I had to complete the mission which was determined by the scroll. It was an ancient scroll believed to be the connecting element between present day king and our elders.

I took the scroll from my father and at that moment, a bright light shoned onto its frail paper. I had to complete this in order to be the next King and I was more than determined. In fact, I have waited all my life for this day to arrive, the day where I could have all the power and women I wanted.

There it wrote
Find the girl...take her blood and put it on the throne's vial. Suck every ounce of her sweet blood till she's dry...treat her like the realm's greatest nemesis.

How simple. I thought. I had killed humans before and it was like snapping a twig for a powerful vampire like me. The only difficulty was identifying her.

"But father where do I find her? I dont even know what she looks like!" I protested.

"That's the point in this son. This must be very important...and that your elders have a deep grudge against this being. You only have 30 days to complete this, so get started now! Before your filthy uncle gets a chance on the throne." My father said as he pointed towards the large hour glass.

He opened the portal to the being's realm and shot me an assuring look "be back home soon son. I trust you can complete this without fail"

I stepped in and landed on an empty street. Of course, it was already 3am in this world, why would there be anyone still roaming the streets.

Hmm where can I find you?

But before I could continue I needed to at least find clothes to dress myself up like normal humans instead of being strapped in a black tight suit. I needed to adapt to his world I despised the most as quickly as I could.

CK:His father had helped him rent down an apartment for his stay

After showering and getting into comfy clothes,I laid down on the bed thinking about where to start.

The elders had given me another hint, that the special person I needed to hunt had glittering eyes, those that shone like diamonds. To our vision, man's eyes are usually dull because it reflected their corruption but why was hers sparkly? Odd. But I didnt think much of it and slept to energize for a busy day ahead.

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