Hearing his words made me feel silly for even thinking he would cheat on me with someone else. He has wanted nothing more then to be in an actual relationship with me and now we are so why would he do anything to fuck up what we have? He wouldn't. The logic of my realization starts to calm my anxiety. My body relaxes into his. 

He soothes my hair from my face. "Go to sleep sweetheart. Tomorrow is suppose to be about fun and enjoying yourself. Plus I plan on making sure the others stay in line because I want that text with the information of the club you ladies end up at. Because no way in hell is my girl going out looking sexy without me around to warn off the other males.

I fall asleep in his arms feeling much better then I did awhile ago. Ryder really understands me and I love how willing he is to help me work though my anxiety instead of telling me to just get over myself. This man really was made for me. I only hope he feels the same way about me for him.          

Nothing better than waking up to you man's tongue pressing against your clit teasing a climax from your tightly coiled body. I take a death grip of his hair holding him tight against me and he chuckles against my lower lips, but resumes his attention to my body. As I'm screaming my climax my alarm decides to go off.

"Shut that fucking alarm off," Ryder growls from between my legs.

Frantically I search for my phone on the night table and takes a few tries before I'm able to hit the off button. I flop down onto the bed feeling like I had just run a marathon even though all I've done is shut my phone off and was gifted a wonderful surprise this morning.

"Better," he rasps looming above me. I wrap my arms around his neck. "Shouldn't you be getting out of bed Miss. I can't be late?"

I pull him down close to me so his lips were brushing against mine. "I got smart to you ways Mr. I like to make Aubree late and set my alarm to go off thirty minutes earlier." 

He appears taken a back. "You think I only need thirty minutes with you?" My response was by crashing my lips against his and putting an end to this conversation. There was a much better conversation we could be having without words might I add.

Ryder follows my lead and lets me control the kiss which is new for him. So not wanting to look a gift horse in the mouth I readily took over. While we were kissing he parts my legs and I can feel him pressing against my entrance asking without words to be let in. I raise my hips in invitation which he quickly RSVPs yes by sliding himself between my slick folds causing me to moan over the sensation of him stretching and filling me. 

"Always so wet for me," he mutters against my neck.

"Always so hard for me," I say turning my head to the side to capture his lips once more. 

Right as he starts to slide in and out of me my phone begins to chime. 

"Fucking ignore it," he rages. "I don't care if the idiots got themselves in the hospital again. When I'm burred deep inside of you nothing else matters."

"I couldn't agree more," I tell him meaning every word. Don't get me wrong I love my job and have no problem dropping what I'm doing to answer when they call, but now with Ryder I want to have a life to. A life that doesn't always revolve around work. 

He pulls away to stare down at me in shock and stops all movement. I press myself against him begging him to continue, but all he does is tilt his head to the side and study me.

"What," I snap feeling sexually frustrated at the moment.

He smiles his cocky smile. "Just trying to figure out where the workaholic Aubree went."

My Client the Rockstar (Book 2 Steel Wolf Collection)Where stories live. Discover now