Chapter 39 ~ Warning

Comincia dall'inizio

"You kids!" Mr. Forkle hissed.

"SEE, Fitz understands!" Tam exclaimed, completely ignoring Mr. Forkle.

"But Tam, it's Sophie! If we don't find her, then she won't have any life ahead of her!" Linh exclaimed in a soft voice, getting up too.

"Keefe, you have your opera career! You are willing to throw away that?!" Tam asked Keefe, completely ignoring his sister.

"Since when do you care about his opera career?!" Biana exclaimed, slamming her hand down on the table, cutting Keefe off before he could reply.

"I don't but I'm suggesting what's best for us all!" Tam argued, getting in Biana's face.

"No, this is about your STUPID secret that has you so scared in the first place!" Biana yelled in his face.

"ENOUGH!" Mr. Forkle bellowed, slamming his fork down. "We are in a public place! This isn't the time to be yelling about these things!" He hissed.

Biana glanced around and sure enough, lots of people were looking over and watching their argument.

"We'll discuss this matter in a meeting with the other group and we'll do a vote on it," Mr. Forkle continued.

Biana crossed her arms and continued to glare at Tam.

They ate the rest of breakfast in silence and while they were heading back up to their room, Biana heard Linh whisper to Tam, "you and Sophie used to be so close, this isn't like you to give up on her."

Biana was going to join in and add her own comment but then Keefe's phone started to ring.

"Who is it?" Biana asked, realizing after how nosy she sounded.

" mom," Keefe mumbled, glaring at his phone. He ignored the call and put his phone back in his pocket.

Biana didn't blame him for not answering.

But then Keefe's phone started to ring again and again to the point it got so annoying that Keefe had to answer.

"What?!" He exclaimed into his phone.

The group stopped walking and were all focused on Keefe who was standing very still.

Suddenly, he grew pale and exclaimed, "what?!"

There were a few long and endless seconds, Keefe still not moving.

His phone dropped out of his hands and to the ground, causing the call to end.

"Keefe, what's the matter?!" Biana asked, rushing to pick up his phone.

Keefe looked in shock and couldn't form any words.

"What's going on?" She asked again.

"My dad...he's gone," he mumbled, barely a whisper.

"Gone? What do you mean gone?" Biana asked, confused.

"Dead," Keefe said, now turning to face Biana with his eyes wide.

Overlooked Fate ~ SequelDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora