Family Day Pt. 7

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We all looked at each other. Charlie looked embarrassed.

"Oh well, anyway we have to play truth or dare!"

I rolled my eyes, but we all sat in a circle.

"Okay, I'm going first, Leo truth or dare."

Percy said. I decided to pick something easy.


I mean I've got nothing to hide and-

"Do you love Nico?"

Shit. I do got something to hide.

"Um, well, I don't think love is a proper word, I mean I've only known him for like 3 months, and-"

"Dude, just tell us how you feel, we promise not to tell him."

Percy said.

"I don't even know who Nico is."

Butch mumbled, making Charlie giggle.

"Well, I care a lot about him, and he makes me smile, but I don't think I have a chance with being with him, or a chance lasting more than a month, and I don't want to wreck our friendship."

I said that kinda fast. Everyone stared.


Percy said.


"You should totally ask him out!"

"I did."

Percy squinted his eyes.



"What are complaining about? Nico likes you."

I shrugged. I knew he had feelings for me, but I don't think we'd work out.

"Ugh! Why is this so confusing?"

I yelled, laying down on the cold wet grass.

"It's your turn."

"Oh, uh...Charlie! Truth or Dare?"


"Make out with Percy."

I smiled at Percy's face.


Charlie got up and sat down on Percy's lap. Percy's face was red.

"Annie's gonna be all mad."

"Oh well."

Charlie said, kissing Percy. There's a crack ship for you. Perlie..... I spend to much time on Tumblr.

We continued playing truth or dare for awhile, until Butch said he had to go.


"Look Charlie, you're old man told me not to come, he's gonna be all pissed if I'm not there to take him to his patrol officer in a hour, so I gotta go."

"I don't know why you do anything for him."

"So you have a place to stay for Thanksgiving."

Charlie rolled his eyes. I guess Charlie has beef with his dad. Who doesn't?

Oh right, normal people.

"C'mon let's head inside."

Rachel said.

~End of Flashback~

Ugh! Why does Nico do this type of shit all the time! He's so fucking confusing! He's all shy and shit one day, then the next he's all bold and brave! He likes me one day, then acts as though I'm the worst thing to walk this earth.

Gods! I wish I never met-

No, Leo, you don't mean that. You know what happens when people do that on tv.

Ugh, I'm gonna text him.

......No reply.

Great, just fucking great! Maybe if I climb high enough- No that's just dumb.

Ugh! Why is everything so hard? This is it, I'm done trying to hold in my feelings.

I let the tears roll down. No more Mr. Nice Guy, no more Mr. Brightside. Prepare to meet depressed Leo Valdez.

A.N.: Look who isn't dead....I mean who doesn't love a 2 month wait for an update? I'm trash I Leo is gonna be fun....and I still need to write the end of family day and thanksgiving but hopefully I can get an update out by the 25th, cause that's the one year anniversary.....thats just sad....but cool so R&R

(Discontinued)Olympus High: A Leico FanficOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz