Nope. I ain't falling for that now.

"You're too drunk to even keep your eyes open. What if you bite me or something? Go back to your room and fucking sleep Mingyu." I shove him away by his chest, but he doesn't move an inch.

He pulls me into his arms. He drops his entire weight on me ane buries his face in my shoulder.

The next thing I know, he's already asleep and snoring softly. Good grief.

How am I suppose to drag this six foot heavy as fuck drunken slumbering man all the way to his room without getting noticed by anyone?

"Guess you'll have to turn in here." I say to myself. I shake his shoulders in an attempt to wake him up so that we can move away from the door at the minimum and walk up to my bed. He only murmurs some obscure words in response.

"Look, I know you can hear me. We're gonna move to my bed, so I need you to let go of me and walk. Okay?" I say. This time I don't even get indistinct mumbles, just silence.

"SAY OK!" I kick his left thigh and immediately regret it, because now, we're losing balance.

It does one good though. He's awake enough to move.

"Careful, don't lose balance. If you hit the ground and hurt your head again, you'll get amnesia. DON'T LOSE BALANCE." I remark and hold onto him tighter, making sure none of us fall. Mostly him.

"What is amnesia? The name of my favourite candy?" He purrs in my ears. I'm not facing him but I can feel him grinning like an idiot saying that.

I'll definitely sleep in the basement from now on. This is too stressful.

Our bodies are clung together so closely, as if there's some kind of invisible superglue between us. He's showing no signs of letting go or moving or even cooperating either.

Looks like we're gonna have to proceed while hugging. Stay strong my poor helpless self.

"Alright Mingyu. Let's be serious okay? I haven't eaten dinner, so have some mercy on me. We'll move towards my bed on the count of three. Since you're facing that direction, you walk and I follow. Understand?" Running out of stamina to speak, I state in a low yet insisting voice.

"Hmmmmm, understood."

"Ready, one. Two. Three."

We walk in small, woobly steps while still hugging each other. This would honestly be the cutest thing we've done together, if; only if, he didn't step on my cute little toe with his humongous foot.


"Shushhhhhhhhhh. Do yOu wAnT bOtH oF uS dEaD?"

"Ughhhhhh, move quick!"

We finally make it to my bed after continuously bumping into the wall and my closet and the bathroom door several times. I tug him inside the blanket and collapse beside him.

All my sleep is gone, I'm just staring at the ceiling and panting for air. I was having so much struggle breathing because of his super firm grip around my body that I feel like I need hundred bottles of oxygen now.

I reach out for the air-conditioner remote on my nightstand and set the temperature to a lower degree. This toilsome moving around has made me sweat everywhere, even in my thigh gap.

"You know, Joshua found out about us today. It was the first time I saw him this angry. He seemed quite scary." I say and wait for Mingyu to reply. I turn to him and realize there's no use talking to him now. He's fast asleep.

A smile of rapture spreads across my face as I hear him say in his sleep, "Nobody deserves you like I do. You're my world Miyeon, I love you so much." He starts snoring right after that.

He looks so fluffy and adorable that it makes my chest ache. Nobody will tell he's a successful man in his twenties if they see him now. He just looks like a giant fragile kid who needs to be protected at all cost.

Babygyu soft hours open uwu

"I'm cold." He sniffs and pulls the blanket closer to his body. I chuckle and wrap my arms around him.

"Here, I'll warm you up." I say, caressing his back and and planting a kiss on his forehead.

"Goodnight Mingyu, I love you."


A light nudge on my shoulder prompts me to crack my eyes open. "Wake up Yeonnie," Joshua says, looking at us with concern eyes. "He needs to leave your room now if you don't want the others to find out."

He's helping us.

I nod and sit up. His attention shifts to the bandage around Mingyu's forehead. "What happened to him?" He asks quietly.

"He got in an accident." I reply.

"Is it serious?"

"Not that much. Doctor said it'll take one to two weeks for it to heal completely."

"I see." He inclines his head in acknowledgment.

I wake Mingyu up. He was whining for five more minutes, but as soon as he notices Joshua's figure standing before us, it's just pure shock on his face.

"H-hyung . . . I . . . w-we —"

"He knows." I say.

It takes a solid few minutes for him to grasp the situation. Joshua heaves sighs after sighs while studying us. He doesn't give the impression of being furious like yesterday right now. He's alot more equanimous.

I can feel there is still apprehensiveness hidden behind the impassive mien he is wearing, but it's likely to fade away with time. This mitigates so much of my worries.

Good night sleeps, mommy is on her way.

"I-I'll get going." Mingyu gets off my bed and hastily drives his soles outside the room.

Joshua shakes his head and releases a sharp breath. "I'll fix your bed. Get down please." He says.

I don't protest. I know fixing my bed is only an excuse for him to stay longer and make a conversation with no one else around. So I let him do whatever he wants, as long as he lets out everything that is suppressed inside him.

I lean my body against the wall beside the bathroom and watch him folding my blanket neatly and changing the pillow covers to new ones I bought ages ago.

"Thank you Josh, I owe you one." I remark.

He smiles faintly and keeps on working.

"Sorry about yesterday." He says.

"It's okay, I'd be like that too if I were you."

"Yeonnie . . ." He sits on the edge of the bed. "I thought about it all night."


"What if I told you to stop this? Stop whatever you're doing?"

"You mean leaving him and quitting my job?"

He nods reluctantly.

"I think you already know the answer."

He sighs again, his head hung low. "Yeah, I just wanted to hear it from you. It's alright . . . just be careful." He says. He lifts his head and flashes me a reassuring smile.

"You have my words." I smile too, knowing there's at least one person on our side.

Just when he is about to leave, he waits around a little longer and turns to me.

"There's something you need to know." The tone of his voice is heavier than yesterday. He nibbles his lower lip, eyes growing poignant.

"What is it?" I ask worriedly.

"It's about your brother."

"Jeonghan? What about him?"

"He's not doing well Yeonnie," he expels a tremulous sigh. "He's sick, very sick."

Truly Yours • Kim Mingyu जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें