Derek- You know how to do this babycakes?

Me- I think I'll be able to manage.

Derek- Let's go.

We clinks glasses and shoot it back. I put my glass on the bar.

Me- That was a but gross. Got anything more fruity?

Derek- I can look.

He looks down and picks something up. He straightens up.

Derek- Hey Rossi got anything fruity?

Rossi- Yeah hang on.

Derek- Not into hard liquor huh?

Me- No, I mean I can do hard liquor it just gets me drunk faster and I'm not a fan of the taste.

Derek- You like the fruity drinks?

Me- Yep. I'm also not a huge drinker. I'm ok with like a juice box, water, lemonade, or like iced tea.

Derek- No soda?

Me- My stomach can't handle the carbonation

Derek- God you are such a nerd.

Me- Shut up:)

Rossi comes over with some strawberry thing and a blender.

Rossi- I suggest a strawberry margarita smoothie.

Me-Ooo I like that:)

Derek- Fine I'll make you one.

Me- Thank you Derek:)

JJ and Emily come over and sit next to me.

Emily- Heyyy

Me- What's up guys?

JJ- Will's on his way.

Me- Oo with Henry?

JJ- No but we were looking for a babysitter tomorrow night if you were free?

Me- Oh my god I would love too! Ah! This is gonna be so much fun!

Penelope- What about Stuart?

Me- I'm with him in the afternoon. We end around 2


Emily- Who's Stuart?

Derek- Yeah.

Me- Calm down Derek. Stuart is my neighbor. He's autistic and doesn't have many friends so I try to hang out with him when I'm free.

Emily- Aw that's nice.

Me- Yeah.

JJ- What do guys do?

Spencer and Hotch walk over to us.

Me- He's teaching me how to play Uno.

Spencer- But don't you already know how to play?

Me- I know that and you know that but he doesn't.

Emily- I think it's cute

Derek finishes my smoothie and hands it to me. I take a sip.

Me-Mm that is so good. Can you make me another one?

Spencer- But you didn't even...

As Spencer talks I slurp down the smoothie.


Me- Ahh:)

Spencer- one...

Hotch-Spencer lighten up.

Derek chuckles.

Derek- Another one coming right up.

Music starts to play and Rossi comes out of the house. Emily hops up.

Emily- Well while you wait for your smoothie come dance.

Emily takes my hands and stands me up. She drags me a few steps over. We start jumping up and down and it reminds me of the first time I asked Spencer to dance when we were in Las Vegas. Rossi and JJ come over and join us.


After a few minutes of dancing Derek calls me over for my next smoothie. I sit down next to Spencer at the bar. I sip my smoothie.

Spencer- You should slow down Sierra.

Me- Come on Reid lighten up. Hotch told you to.

Spencer smiles and rolls his eyes. I hand him my smoothie for him to try.

Spencer- That's actually pretty good.

Me- Told ya!

He takes another sip. I steal it away from him.

Me- Get your own:)

Spencer- Oh come on Sierra Sharing is Caring:)

I hand him my smoothie. The rest of the night was really fun. After everyone had a few drinks in them we were all dancing and having a good time.

November 6th

I end up driving Penelope home. She was not in good shape to drive. I pull into a parking spot and I go around to the passenger side and help her out. We go up to her apartment. I get the keys from her purse and unlock the door. I walk in, Penelope stumbles and leans on me. I bring her to the bed and let her fall down. She kicks off her heels and I help her get comfortable under the blankets.

Me- I'll see you in the morning ok?

She just nods and closes her eyes. I find some sweatpants to change into and crash on the couch. Damn that was a really fun party.

Garcia's CousinDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora