43 - The Final Battle: Part 2

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The Enchanted Forest: A Time of Great Upheaval...

The young girl held the storybook and looked at the remains of the cabin. She picked up her father's charred sword and her aunt's necklace a charred golden ring on a piece of torn string, the young girl began to cry.

Tiger Lily walked up to her, "Your father and auntie wouldn't want you in tears. Not on their behalf," Tiger Lily said.

"Tiger Lily. What happened here? Where is Father? Where is Auntie?" The girl asked.

"I don't know. But I do know that it's clear they fought valiantly so you could escape," Tiger Lily said.

"I never should've left. I should've fought with them!" The girl said.

"No. You were right to follow their instructions. Because you did, the book is safe. We need to take it to your mother now. She'll be waiting," Tiger Lily said.

"But what about Father and Auntie?" She asked.

"You'll be reunited one day. I promise. The fairies have foreseen it," Tiger Lily said.

"They have? W...We're going to be okay?" The girl asked.

"The future is cloudy, but you will be reunited. After that, you just need to learn the lesson imparted by this book. Never lose hope," Tiger Lily said and the young girl nodded.


Fiona stood in Henry's hospital room and she showed him the ashes of the storybook.

"It...It can't be," Henry said.

"Well, I'm afraid it is. Your storybook. Or what's left of it," Fiona said.

"No way. My mom and aunt would never burn it," Henry said.

"Oh, but they did. Whatever last bit of belief they clung to went up in smoke, just like the pages of your book," Fiona said.

"Not even you could destroy their belief completely," Henry said.

"If that's so, then why are they packing for Boston at this very moment?" Fiona asked.

"I'll stop you," Henry said.

"Oh, haven't you already tried that? Look where it got you," Fiona said.

"It's not just me. It's my family. We won't let you win," Henry said.

"Oh, haven't I mentioned the consequences of Emma's and Alana's belief? Your family isn't going to exist long enough to save themselves, let alone your mother and aunt," Fiona said and smirked at him.

The Enchanted Forest...

Killian, David, Dylan and Christian were still on the beanstalk climbing down as it started to sway back and forth.

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