32 - Mother's Little Helper

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Killian was losing regularly at cards and he and Blackbeard were the only ones playing the game at the table, Neal was sat at the table, watching them.

"Deal," Killian said.

"Still don't know when to quit?" Blackbeard said.

"Deal!" Hook shouted.

"What's so important that you'd be willing to trade your beloved ship for a magic bean again?" Blackbeard asked.

"I've been separated from the woman I love, she's in danger," Killian said.

"Same woman as last time?" Blackbeard asked.

"Same woman as last time?" Blackbeard asked

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"Aye... we both are," Killian said as he gestured to Neal.

"I don't believe we've met," Blackbeard said.

"We haven't... Neal," Neal said.

"Perhaps..." He looked at Killian, "You should have kept the ship and gotten rid of the woman," Blackbeard said.

"I don't remember him asking for your opinion," Neal said looking back at him.

"Well, be that as it may, in the future, he might want to listen to me, because now you won't have either," Blackbeard said and he put his cards down showing a flush, he won, again. He laughed, "Time to pay up, old friend!" Blackbeard said proudly.

"Aye, let's go, then," Hook said and stood up with Neal.

"Aye, let's," Blackbeard said.

"I'm gonna need a break of pirates when we get home," Neal said and walked on.

The three of them walked to the docks, but no ship was there, "Where is it?!" Blackbeard asked.

"Oh! Right, did we forget to mention there's just one problem? The Jolly Roger isn't actually in this realm. It's with those women we spoke of. So, if you want to claim your winnings, you're gonna have to give us that bean and let us use it," Killian said.

"You lied to me!" Blackbeard said.

"And you had six aces in your deck! We're not as drunk as your other opponents," Neal said.

Blackbeard pulled out the bean from his hat, "Well played," He said.

Neal took the bean, "Don't worry, we'll be back in a flash," Neal said.

"Oh, no, pirate, Dark One son, yeah, I know who you are Baelfire... Word got around you and Hook found each other, Milah's boy... So," He looked at Killian, "We're getting it together," Blackbeard said.

Neal rolled his eyes and dropped the bean and a portal opened then Neal jumped in first and Killian and Blackbeard followed after him

Neal rolled his eyes and dropped the bean and a portal opened then Neal jumped in first and Killian and Blackbeard followed after him

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