22 - Tougher Than The Rest

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In the Charming loft, David looked at Mary Margaret who was sleeping under the Sleeping Curse.

"I'm sorry. I can't wake you. Not until I find the person who wants to harm our daughter. And, Now, I promise you, I will find him and I will stop him and bring Emma and Alana home where they belong, and we can fix this all of this," David said and kissed her forehead before walking into the living room where Killian was.

"Alright, then. Thanks, mate," Killian hung up his phone and looked at David, "The dwarfs have searched the entire northern woods. There's no sign of our guy, or anyone else, for that matter," Killian said.

"Well, he couldn't have just vanished. We must have missed something," David said.

"This would be so much easier if we knew who we were looking for," Killian said.

Belle, Amy and Neal walked in, "His name's Gideon," Belle said.

"Belle," David said.

Amy shut the door, "He's my son," Belle said as Neal walked over to the pram where his twins were sleeping.

"Your son is an infant," Killian said.

"He was and then he grew up in another realm, without his parents and that experience affected him," Amy said.

"Affected him? He's trying to kill Emma and Alana," David said.

"I...I know. Look, it's not his fault, okay? He's confused and Rumpel's out there looking for him right now," Belle said.

"To stop him or help him?" Killian asked her.

"That's a very good question," Neal said.

"I know that I can stop him. If I can just talk to him, reason with him, as his mother," She sighed, "Will you help me?" Belle said.

"I don't know, Belle," Belle looked at David, "If he's really planning to kill Emma and Alana..." David said.

"We're going to have to stop him," Killian said and Neal and Amy looked at each other conflictedly.

"But that doesn't mean he has to be hurt. And neither one of our children need to be harmed. Look, I came to you for your help because I trust you. Can you two trust me?" Belle said.

"Let's just find him. Please. Who knows what our little brother is doing," Neal sighed, "We need to try anything to make it safe for Alana's and Emma's return with Regina," Neal said.

"Yeah... The sooner we do, the better," David looked at Belle, "Then take your shot, but if it doesn't work..." David said.

"Thank you," Belle said and they go over to the kitchen counter and go over the maps.

Wish Realm...

Rumpelstiltskin shoved Regina and Robin into a cell in his castle as Delphinia, the Huntsman and Calla watched.

"Now, if you'll excuse me, it's been a while since I had good flay. Tools are a bit rusty," He giggled and locked them in then turned to the family, "Come on, dearies... We have so much much to catch up on," Rumpelstiltskin said and he walked away, Calla and the Huntsman followed him.

"Delphinia... Please," Regina said and Delphinia walked off then Regina started banging on the cell door.

"So," Robin cleared his throat, "You're telling me I'm living in a fake world that's created by the wish of two processes who are not fake," Robin said.

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