34 - Awake

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Flashback: Storybrooke - The Time of the Dark Curse

Regina, Archie and Mary Margaret were searching in the forest for David, "No sign of him by the water," Archie said.

Regina sighed, "They haven't found him in the South Woods, either. We should move the search party into town," Regina said.

"We can't go back into town," Mary Margaret said.

"And why not?" Regina asked.

"Because John Doe may still be in the woods somewhere. We haven't looked everywhere," Mary Margaret said.

"Miss Blanchard's right. We haven't checked the mines. Dr Hopper, why don't you and Pongo go have a look?" Regina said.

"Okay. Alright... Come on, Pongo. Let's go look in the mines," Archie said and left with Pongo.

Regina reveals a detonation switch, "What are you doing?" Mary Margaret asked.

"This tunnel was rigged for demolition years ago. One push of this button," Regina pointed to the red button, "And it all comes down," Regina said.

"I don't understand. Why are you doing this?" Mary Margaret asked.

"To test a theory of mine. You and John Doe... Your both awake," Regina said.

"Uh, Madame Mayor, I don't know what you're talking about. I was just doing my normal rounds," Mary Margaret said.

"Well, you see, that exactly what Snow White would say just so she and he Prince can stay awake. But Snow White's also a hero. She would never let that Cricket die just to protect herself. Mary Margaret, on the other hand... She's never stood up to me... So what's it going to be?" Regina said.

Sneakily, Mary Margaret took out a pair of scissors to stab Regina but Marco, Granny and the others arrived and Marco quickly closed the detonation box.

Regina realised that Mary Margaret had slipped away, "Where is she? Where's Snow White?" Regina asked.

End of Flashback


Alana, Emma and Mary Margaret were now in the forest taking the field of flowers looking for the Pixie Flowers.

"The winds were blowing from the North. The petals had to come from around here," Mary Margaret said.

"Look down there," They looked to see a field of Pixie Flower, red flowers, and Mary Margaret went to go to the flowers when Alana stopped her, "Wait. Zelena said these flowers only grow in the presence of evil," Alana said.

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