41 - The Final Battle: Part 1

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The Enchanted Forest: A Time of Great Upheaval

A man and woman ran through the forest as something was chasing after them, the man grabbed the woman hand as they quickly took refuge in a cabin. The woman's eyes glowed gold putting a barrier on the door as the man rushed over to wake his daughter.

"Wake up. Wake up, honey. Wake up," He said and the woman walked over.

The daughter walked up, "What is it, father? Auntie?" She said as she sat up.

"It's time. They found us," They heard shrieking in the distance and the daughter panicked, "Don't be frightened. It'll be alright. We'll stay behind, give you time to escape," He said.

"No, I won't leave you. I'll help you both fight," The daughter said.

"Absolutely your daughter," The woman said.

The man glanced at the woman who raised her brow with a smirk before he looked at his daughter, "No, you can't. You have to make sure it stays safe. You have it, don't you?" He asked.

"Of course," The daughter pulled out a storybook from under her pillow, "It never leaves my side," She said.

"Yeah, she's yours," The woman commented and walked to the door, raising her hands as her eyes glowed gold again.

He looked at the woman, "Just like your mother," The woman laughed as he turned back to his daughter and tapped the storybook, "This may be the realm's only hope of defeating the darkness," He said.

"I will guard it with my life," The daughter said.

"It won't come to that. Now, come on. You need to get to safety. You need to share these stories," The man said.

"But who will believe them?" The daughter asked.

"Someday," The woman looked at the daughter and man, "Someone will trust us," She said and a pounding noise came from the door, then the woman turned back to the door as she used her magic to keep the barrier up.

"Daddy! Auntie!" The woman said.

"Don't worry about us. You need to go!" The daughter looked at him sadly, "I...I know. I know. Me too," He kissed her forehead, "Go! Go!" The man said.

The daughter ran off as her father stood up with a blade, "Ready?" The woman asked.

"You can't hold them off forever," The man said.

"I'll bloody well try!" She said.

"Release it, we've got this," The man said and the woman released the barrier making a sword appear in her hand and their pursuer smashed through the door, attacking them both.


"The Black Fairy's curse! It's here!" Leroy yelled as the Black Fairy's curse swept through Storybrooke.

"Where do you think it's taking us?" Neal asked.

"Doesn't matter. Wherever we end up, we're gonna win," Alana said.

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