2 - The Saviour

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Belle's Dream World...

Mr Gold was walking around Belle's dream world with Morpheus being him as he spotted the Dark Castle in the distance.

"Ah. Here we are," Morpheus said.

"My castle. Why would Belle want to dream about this place?" Mr Gold asked.

"Usually, our dreams pick us, not the other way around," Morpheus pointed to sky, "Unless you're her," Morpheus said and Mr Gold looked up to see a black shadow flying away from the castle.

"Delphinia..." Mr Gold said.

"She visits her, often... Truly sees Belle as the mother she always wished for... She plays the part of the Dark One's daughter, never letting her know she's asleep," Morpheus said.

"Why wouldn't she tell her?" Mr Gold asked.

"Hmm... Who knows," Morpheus said.

Inside the castle, Belle was looking at black roses, she was dress in her blue dress that she wore when she was a servant. She walked over to the mirror in the room as Mr Gold and Morpheus walked in.

Belle turned around, saw Mr Gold and gasped, "Rumpelstiltskin. I...I didn't think you'd be back from your journey so soon. Uh, don't be angry, but I don't have the tea prepared, D...Delphinia came home and we were chatting before she went out again to be with the Huntsman. I'm so terribly sorry. I...I can have some ready in no time," Belle said and she walked away.

As Belle left, Mr Gold looked at his reflection in the mirror and saw his old self in the reflection... He was about to go after Belle when Morpheus stopped him.

"Let her go. She's lost in the dream. In her mind, she's still a servant, and you're still a beast but Delphinia is slowly gaining Belle's trust again," He smiled, "It's fascinating, isn't it... To learn how people really see you? To learn how you wanted people to see your daughter, they see the opposite, remarkable really," Morpheus said.

"It doesn't matter. I'll find a way to wake her," Mr Gold said.

"I'm afraid time is a luxury you do not have," An hourglass appeared in his hand, "The sands that allow passage to Belle's dream will not last forever. If you do not wake Belle within one hour, she will return to the red room of the sleepinc curse... A most horrid, fiery fate. And this time, she will remain there forever. So I would hurry up, if I were you... If you love her," Morpheus said.

"Of course I love her! That's how I'm gonna get her out of here. I'll make her fall in love with me again," Mr Gold looked around and saw that everything as darker and gloomy, "Look, I know my castle wasn't exactly cheery, but it was never like this," Mr Gold said.

"To Belle, it was. This castle terrified her. So in her dream, it's become a terrifying place," Morpheus said.

"It's also the place where we fell in love. If I can just recreate that moment..." Mr Gold said.

"It would just be some cruel trick. Are you willing to lie to her?" Morpheus said.

"It may be a trick, but my love for Belle is true. My love for her and my child will never be a lie," Mr Gold said.

 My love for her and my child will never be a lie," Mr Gold said

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